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   Known Space Players: Jade Harley, Kanaya Maryam, Porrim Maryam, Calliope/Alt-Calliope, Tagora Gorjek, Remele Namaaq

   Those who align with the Space aspect are those who choose their battles wisely. They are usually patient people who take their time, making sure everything fits into the big picture. They also tend to be very creative, involving themselves in many artistic proyects. Of course, this may result in the Space player being rather absentminded and not very goal-focused, leading them to leave things rather unfinished.

   The Space aspect is one of the two physical aspects, the other being Time. Space is concerned with all things with matter. They can create and manipulate anything that exists in the physical realm, from something as small as a pebble, to anything as big as entire planets, just like how Jade was able to grow and shrink the planets to her will, or how Alt-Calliope managed to destroy the Green Sun and create a black hole that could defeat Lord English. Because of this, a Space player's abilities are a force to be reckoned with.

   Space players are quite possibly one of the more important players in a session, as they are in charge of the process of frog breeding, which would become the new universe the players must create. They must find the frog and create paradox slime in order to combine them and eventually creating the Genesis frog. This showcases Space's association with the Life aspect, just like how Time is connected to Doom. Space is connected with creativity and the birth of all things new, similar to how Life is connected to, well, life. So its no surprise that Space players like to create, and work alongside Life. Jade enjoys gardening, Kanaya and Porrim like to create fashionable clothing, and Calliope enjoys drawing and telling stories.

   Due to the nature of Space's "wait and see" attitude, Space players are more inclined towards having a passive class, and they are usually heavily favored by Prospit, perhaps due to their duties in breeding the Genesis Frog.

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