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   Known Light Players: Rose Lalonde, Vriska Serket, Aranea Serket, Zebede Tongva, Konyyl Okimaw

   Those who align with the aspect of Light are the scholars of the twelve aspects. They value the search of knowledge simply for the sake of having it. They would go through great lengths to obtain the information they seek, as they would rather know anything than nothing at all. Light players are those who love to be in the spotlight. They will try to be in the center of attention, whether in a conversation or in a competition; practically every situation possible. This may make them come off as attention-seekers, which may not always be too far but the truth. Light players are also known to be quite lucky most of the time.

   The aspect of Light is one of two aspects related to our relevance and the way we obtain knowledge, the other being Void. This aspect can be interpreted in many ways. In fact, the Light aspect is the only aspect to have all of their assigned players to god tier (at least within the webcomic). So we're not too short on information when it comes to this aspect. Ironically enough, this aspect is most well known for exactly that; the information it provides. With the aspect of Light, those who wield their power would be able to control the information they receive in some way. Perhaps they could choose to share their knowledge, or to manipulate it into something they prefer, turning their version into the potential truth. Rose was able to see the most fortuitous path, Vriska stole maps that contained valuable information, and Aranea would try to create knowledge in others with her expositional bouts.

   As said before, Light has a large variety of interpretations, including the most literal one, light. If a player could control light, they would also be able to change the way we see things in front of our own eyes, meaning that sight is another interpretation of this ability. Light players may also be able to interpret this power as luck; in fact, at one point, that was Light's primary ability. However, over time, the Light aspect evolved into the aspect we see today.

   Light tends to lean towards dreaming on Prospit, and tends to be a more active aspect.

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