Chapter 33:Weakness

Start from the beginning

The disguise melted away like ink or spilled paint, revealing a hyper Paperjam.

"I knew it! I knew it! He really is a weakness to you! You do like him! Heh, that gives me an idea!"Paperjam cheers

"I hate you..."I growl, kicking him and successfully freeing myself from him

"Heh. Don't blame ya. Now, I'll be taking that and you'll be trying a heavenly nice game for a while."Paperjam says, taking my brush and dragging me down an empty hall

"What are you doing? Let me go! Paperjam! Give me my brush back! I'm tired of your tricks!"I yell, struggling to hold my ground

"I'm putting the weaknesses together. No. It's simple and you'll be fine."Paperjam says, grabbing a door handle

"What do you-GAH!"I exclaim as he tosses me within the room beyond the door.

It was a closet. An empty one. But I quickly learn it was occupied. I was thrown at Error after all, landing headfirst on him, my hands by his shoulders with our faces inches away from each other. my face lit up, but his eyes were shut. I feel something wrap around my legs. I try to move but fail.

"I'll be back soon to check on you two. Bye!"Paperjam cheers, then slams and locks the door to the closet

"PJ you let us out of here this instant! We're supposed to be planning with the others! Not pulling shenanigins like this! Let us out!"I yell, getting off Error the best I could and banging on the door

"WAit, tWo? I-InKy?"Error mutters

I try to stand in the small space but fall again. I press against the wall to find rope on my legs. I look at Error and feel my face brighten.

"H-Hey, Glitchy. How'd he get you?"I say

"I lOsT sIgHt oF hIm, tHeN hE pReTeNdEd tO bE yOu aNd wElL, hE taLkEd aNd tHrEw mE iN hErE. He sAiD sOmEtHiNg aBoUt bRiNgInG tHe wEaKnEsSeS tOgEtHer."Error explains

"He said something similar to me....After pretending to be you, supposedly again. He uh, called you my weakness...Wait, did he tell you anything else?"I wonder, hoping he didn't tell Error the secret

"Um, he teAsEd mE aBouT yOu bEinG nY wEaKneSs....yAdA yaDa...bLah bLah blah...Not rEalLY. GueSs wE fElL fOr tHe sAmE tRicK. Heh. AnD we cArE fOr eAch oThEr, hUH?"Error replies

"Ya and to Paperjam, we're each other's weaknesses....I dunno if that's a good or bad fact for him to know. Ugh and ge tied me up, too."I mutter

Error crawls over to me and leans against me. He wraps an arm around me nervously.

"WelL, sIncE wE'lL bE stUck hErE fOr a biT, maY aS wElL gEt cOmFy. I'm oK wItH beInG sTuCk hErE wItH yA oF aLl pEopLe."Error says with a smile

"Heh, I agree."I comply

We fell into a silence. I began sketching in a sketchbook. Error was playing with some puppets but soon switched into crocheting. It was quiet. It was cozy. It was safe. It....was nice, though I didn't like how it was presented. I wonder if anyone has noticed our disappearance or if PJ did anything to E!Pap as well. I shrug these questions off. It doesn't really matter if anyone's noticing. Plus, bothering Error's brother is like signing a death wish.

I felt Error tense, then quickly relax. A split second I wondered why he was so tense and then so calm, but only that long. I dismiss the thought and shut my eyes to think of what to sketch next. I soon got one and open my eyes......only to find Error on me now and staring me dead in the eye sockets. I felt my face warm. I saw his face grow yellow.

"Uh, Error? W-What are you doing?"I ask

"I rEmEmBeReD PJ t0lD mE sOmEtHiNg. CaN I seE if iT's tRuE oR iF hE's jUst pUlLiNg mY lEg?"Error replies

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