#351. How He Tucks You In

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#351. How He Tucks You In.

Niall: He’ll carry you from the couch where you usually fall asleep watching tv. He’ll set you down ever so gently making sure not to wake you. He’ll check your feet to make sure you have socks on, because he never wants you to be cold. He’ll take your woolly comforter and pull it up just below your chin. And then he’ll press a small kiss on your forehead whispering, “Goodnight.”

Zayn: He’ll get you to the bed safely, before leaving you, but just for a second. Just so he can slip out of his old clothes, leaving him only in his briefs. He then climbs in softly next to you. And if you had an especially bad or long day he’ll push his strong hands against your neck, giving you a thorough, relaxing back rub. Even if he’s not tired, you always fall asleep in his arms.

Harry: He’ll throw a slink arm around your body, comforting your every movement. You can feel his deep, low breathing against the back of your neck, you can feel his soft curls tickling against your own, and you can feel his never-ending love for you as you fall to a happy dream. 

Liam: It’s a little cheeky and old school, but Liam usually reads you a bedtime story. You never have to beg for it either. He loves to read aloud, and you love to hear his voice. You have a whole shelf of children’s books that he picks from every night. He never makes it past the first few pages before you fall asleep to the sound of his even voice. 

 Louis: He let’s you lie down in any position you want, and he’ll climb in after you. He’ll make sure you’re 100% comfortable before he begins. You then hear his soft angelic voice echoing through your ear. It’s a soft, low hum that’s brings you to a mellow sleep with a smile on your face.

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