Chapter 32: Tricks and Fakes

Start from the beginning

"InKy! W-WhaT wAs tHaT? WHaT thE hElL wAs tHaT a-a-aBoUt? WhAt'S gOtTeN iNtO y-y-y-y0u? D-DiD thE kIdS dO iT wItH t-tHe cHemIcAlS w-wHen tHey mAdE tHoSe aPpEaR oN yOU?"Error stutters

I dig my face deeper into my scarf.

"I....I'm sorry! I didn't want to! I didn't mean to! Dream's abusing the code to his advantage! Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna kick that code out and take a certain stupid glowstick down!"I explain, turning away from him.

I glare Dream down from a distance. He stops laughing and looks at me in fearful shock. I feel a hand grab mine. I glance over to see Error, still with a bright yellow blushing face. But his shock did not show anymore. It was replaced by a smug look and a sweet smile that made my face brighten.

"Aww, pAwsOmE! Go gEt hiM, InKY!"Error says with a wink.

"Don't make yourself target number two, Glitchy. Those puns are not at the right time."I growl

"Ooo! SoMeoNe's gEttInG cAtTy anD anGrY."Error teases

"Glitchy!"I snap

"FinE, fInE. Go tAkE tHat gLoWsTiCk doWn."Error says

I turn away from him again. I stare down the hall. Dream began making a run for it, fleeing. He glances back at me, frightened.

"Hey, Dream! I got to tell ya something! Come here! That code can burn in hell!"I yell, chasing him

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"Hey, Dream! I got to tell ya something! Come here! That code can burn in hell!"I yell, chasing him

A few moments later, I had Dream cornered and knocked down. I frown down at him. I had one of his arms behind his back, but didn't put any force on it that would crack it.

"Say it. Say it, Dream. Now."I demand

"Ack! Okay, okay! That code is no more! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Now release me, please!"Dream yells

"Okay, good."I say with a smirk, dropping him

I then walk away, leaving Dream to recover and think of what he did wrong. I go to check on Gradient and Paperjam. I see Paperjam was absolutely loving the spaghetti, his eye lights bright as he had it. Gradient already had finished it and smiles. E!Pap seems overjoyed at their enjoyment of his pasta work. I enter the room to see Cross and Dust were chatting. Cross was having chocolate of course while Dust was having ketchup. I smile and was glad to see their joy. I lean against a wall by Dust. Everything seemed friendly and nice. But then Paperjam said one thing that shocks everyone, including me and made things a little awkward.

"Thanks Uncle Papy!"Paperjam says

I slowly look with Dust and Cross at Paperjam. Paperjam quickly realizes his mistake. Gradient just shakes his head.

"Stop giving stuff away about your timeline! We agreed on it!"Gradient says

"UncLe PaPy? Hmm, inTeReStInG...."E!Pap says, glitching up from shock

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