Eight - Troubled Earth

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The woman sat at her desk, looking out over the London skyline and hissed, she had felt the initial surge of power through the earth and the resulting waves that followed and knew it was an awakening, but who? 

The power that was now humming through the earth was old, very very old.

It had been centuries since she had bound anyone, but it was definitely one of her bindings that had been released. She reached for her phone and called down to the lab "Terra, did you feel it?" she barked as soon as the call connected.

"Yes, my lady, we all did, the surge brought the lower members to their knees, what was it?"

The woman ignored the question, instead focussing on the fact the surge had been felt by more than the sensitive among them.  This meant whoever it was, they were powerful already and would grow more so.

"I want someone monitoring the new channels, all of them" she heard Terra gasp in surprise and scowled, "Something has happened somewhere and I want to know about it, this is a priority, if you have to pull people in, but I want that news" she ordered before hanging up.

Who, who, who, her mind went over every possible option, no-one should have the ability or knowledge to break one of her bindings.  She was too powerful, she was unmatched, she would find them and make them pay.

She was Helene, the strongest witch ever born.

Powerful - (Her Gods - Book One) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now