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"How's your sister? Have you heard from her?" Hyang-sook was leaning on the counter at the ice cream parlour.

I sighed softly, "Well, last time I spoke to her she seemed to be doing good. But their not allowed phones at the health centre so I haven't heard from her,"

She nodded understandingly and brushed away some stray hairs from her forehead, "Ahh of course. That's what you'd expect when being in these centres. But I'm glad that she's doing good. Also, Donghae tells me she's a big fan of Super Junior?"

I giggled, "Yeah. It's almost too much sometimes but she never stops talking about them. I'm glad she has something that makes her happy, all I want is for her to be happy," I couldn't help but get a bit choked up when talking about Eun-Jae, I mean she hasn't had the easiest childhood.

"Y/n, your sister is lucky to have you. It warms my heart to hear the way you talk about her, you really love her don't you?" Hyang-sook was smiling and it again reminded me of my mom, that special smile.

I imagined that would be how mom would look down from above on Eun-Jae and me.

"I do, I really love her and I want all the best for her. I mean it hasn't been easy for her, most of her life I'd had to act like more a mother than a sister for her because of our mom. I just wish she could've had a more normal childhood, both of us had to grow up pretty fast. I just feel so sorry all the time, so apologetic towards her, you know...."

"I know... It's been the same for my boys since their dad died, they've had to be the men in the house and they didn't get to be normal either. I guess that's why you and Donghae have connected so fast, you both experienced something similar and you guys are able to relate to each other, to help each other. Just know that it's okay to feel sorry towards your sister, but trust me, she's not blaming you for anything,"
Hyang-sook was so easy to talk to and I'd forgotten what it was like to talk to someone who gave motherly pieces of advice.

I guess she did have point, Donghae and I had been drawn to each other and we'd just connected on another level because of similar experiences in our lives.

But that wasn't the only reason, I mean I loved everything about him. He was sweet, caring, sensitive, both a great friend and a great boyfriend. I just felt safe with him, that was it.

"Thank you Hyang-sook ssi. I'm so grateful that I'm able to talk to you about this, it's nice to get some motherly advice," I smiled at her and patted her shoulder.

"Of course honey," she said and gave me a hug.

Oh, those mother hugs were the best hugs in the world. They were seriously the best, whenever I was sad, happy or just plain angry.

"Here's your ice cream," the young boy behind the counter interrupted our moment and handed over a white plastic bag with big cups containing ice cream.

"Thank you," Hyang-sook took the bag and handed him some cash before we left the ice cream parlour.

We came back home and gathered in the living room to watch the king of masked singer and together we ate ice cream and had a normal evening.

Donghae had a small guest room that his mom slept in. She got settled there and we said goodnight to her before heading into the bedroom.

"I'm so glad I met your mom," I took one of the extra pillows off the bed and put it on the floor before hopping into bed under the covers.

"Really?" Donghae looked at me with a smile. I nodded.

"Yeah, she's amazing. It's nice to talk to her, reminds me of my mom," I laid my head on the pillow and turned towards him.

"I'm happy that everything worked out, I know how nervous you were. See? I told you she would like you," he gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled the covers up to his chin,

"Yeah yeah, you were right." I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"Come here," Donghae wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. He made sure that the covers were over both of us as he pulled me closer.

He looked into my eyes and smiled. My heart skipped a beat, which it did every time he stared deep into my eyes.

At one point I almost forgot to breathe.

"Y/n... I love you," he said breathing softly.

"I love you too, Donghae," I replied and moved my lips closer to his.

His lips grabbed mine in a soft, tender kiss that had my whole body turn into jelly. All I could do was just melt into the kiss. His hands softly grazed against my skin, sending shockwaves all through me.

As we pulled apart, our breathing slightly heavier than before we just stared at each other.

I reached up and removed a strand of dark hair that had fallen in front of his eyes and he grabbed my hand kissing it before letting it go.

"You make me happy," he kissed me again, this time was more of a quick peck.

"So do you," I smiled back at him and gingerly let my fingers touch the skin on his cheek. His skin was soft and smooth and my fingers could easily glide over it.

"Goodnight my love," he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Goodnight babe," I chuckled and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, falling asleep, breathing in his soft scent. I slept heavenly.

The weekend with Donghae's mom was great, we'd had such a good time and I really got to know Hyang-sook. I was already looking forward to seeing her again.

Monday morning came and I headed to school to meet up with Ha-Ra.

It was also the 1st of December which was pretty exciting too. I loved the Christmas time so much, and this year was no different.

When I met with Ha-Ra I told her everything about the weekend and we chatted like two people who hadn't seen each other in years.

"I'm so happy for you! I told you she would love you!" Ha-Ra wiggled her eyebrows and looked at me in a way that said, yeah I told you so!

"Haha, yeah you were right. I'm just glad it went so well," I beamed at Ha-Ra and I almost shot her away with my beam of light from being so happy.

Maybe it was just the mix of a successful first meeting with Donghae's mom and the fact that it was now December.

"Oh hey, you wanna go Christmas shopping next week?" Ha-Ra then clapped her slender hands excitedly and I straightened.

"Of course! I love Christmas shopping!" I added in a flash.

"Oh, and we should totally go to the hairdresser! I could use a new color and cut," She flipped her hair behind her shoulders and batted her eyelashes.

I laughed at her, she was crazy but seriously great.
"Okay, deal! I should get mine cut too," I nodded and rested my head in my hands on the table.

"Great!" She smiled widely and her eyes shine brightly.

Alright guys, hope you like this chapter. The next chapter will be the final one in this story, but I've already started writing on the sequel, so get ready for a new story soooooon!!!

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu