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Y/n's finally meeting Donghae's mom!!

It was Friday and I was finishing up at school before going home and then go to the station to pick up Donghae's mom with him. 

"I'm so nervous Ha-Ra, what if she doesn't like me?" I was slumped over one of the chairs in the library finishing a project with Ha-Ra. 

"She's going to love you! If she doesn't, she's crazy okay? You're amazing and she will love you! End of discussion!" Ha-Ra closed her laptop and glared at me as if she was my mother. 

"Fine, I hope you're right," I trailed off pouting. 

"I am." She pointed at me with her ballpen and chuckled. 

I smiled at her and rolled my eyes teasingly, "Whatever you say."

We worked on our project until we finally finished it. Ha-Ra and I went to the bus top where she had to take the bus to her aunt's house because she was spending the weekend there. 

"Alright, see you on Monday. You have to tell me everything!" She hugged me and ran for the bus when it arrived.

"Of course! Say hi to your aunt from me! See you!" I yelled after her as she got on the bus and she waved through the window before it drove away. 

Then my heart began galloping like a wild racehorse when I thought of what I was doing today. I was meeting Donghae's mom and I was so nervous that I thought I might die. 

Donghae was sitting at home in his 'office' writing furiously on his computer. I stepped into the room and he turned around in his chair, "Hey babe, you're home?" 

I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "Yup, what are you doing?" 

He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist holding me close to him, "I'm just writing an email to the lawyer working for our company about the texts and comments you got."

"Alright, is everything okay with that?" I asked stroking his hair gently. 

"Yeah, it's all good. I was just asking when we could expect it to be done with," he looked up at me with a soft smile, his eyes kindly staring at me. 

I nodded and gave him a wry smile back. 

"When's your mom coming in?" I then asked when he was finishing up the email and sending it. 

"In 30 minutes or so, we should probably get ready to head out," he replied and shut down his computer, standing up towering over my short body. 

"I'm so nervous," I shuddered and wrapped my arms around my shoulders.

"Don't be, it'll be fine, trust me." He embraced me in a hug and kissed the top of my head. I nodded and went into the bedroom to quickly change into something else. 

"You ready?" he called after me and I came out into the living room, "Yup I'm ready," I smiled and took out my lip balm and applying it. 

"Good, let's go," he beamed at me and quickly pecked my lips, "Yum, strawberry," he smirked mischievously. My lip balm was strawberry flavoured and I knew like it when I applied it right before a kiss. 

We went down to the parking lot; got in his car and headed towards the train station. 

We arrived at the station 10 minutes later and found a parking spot. "Let's go to the platform and greet her there," Donghae said as he took out the key from the ignition. I nodded and followed him inside the train station and we found the platform she would arrive at. 

5 minutes later the train arrived at the platform and Donghae's face lit up as he spotted his mother. He took my hand and dragged me happily towards her. "Mommy!" he called out and she looked up seeing him and smiling widely while waving at us. 

She looked good for her age, she was just as beautiful as my mom was. She wore a classy black dress and her hair was tied up in a low bun.

I could see the similarities between her and Donghae, it was clear to see where he got his good looks from.

"Here, let me take it," he took the bag from her hand as she descended the stairs of the train. "Oh my Donghae, I missed you," she embraced him in a hug and she happily hugged her back. 

It was such a sweet moment between him and his mom, I couldn't help but smile at them. When they let go of each other, she looked over towards me and smiled kindly.

"Mom, this is Y/n." Donghae gestured towards me and she came to me and surprisingly grabbed me in a gentle hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you Y/n, Donghae has told me so much about you. You're more beautiful than I thought," she spoke as we pulled apart. 

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Kim," I said, still nervous but not as much anymore. She seemed really nice and I liked her already. 

"Ahh, don't call me Mrs Kim, just call me Hyang-sook," she winked at me beaming at the both of us. She seemed really happy to see us.

"Alright, Hyang-sook ssi," I said awkwardly. I wasn't totally comfortable with calling her by her name since she was older than me and more of a mother figure. She giggled swiftly at me and patted me gingerly on the cheek as a mother would. 

"Let's go to the car," Donghae said and grabbed his mom's bags, "Did you have a nice trip here?" he continued on walking down the stairs from the platform. 

Hyang-sook linked her arm with mine and we followed Donghae down the stairs. It was nice that she was here, it felt just like when my mom was still alive.

"The trip was alright, but the temperature in the coupe was too warm," she fanned herself imagining sitting in the warm coupe again. 

"Well, it's great that you're finally here. I've been looking forward to it," I said glancing at her smiling. She smiled back and it felt just like when my mom would smile at me.

We came to the car and Donghae put the bags in the trunk, and I helped Hyang-sook get in the front.

I retrieved to the back seat and opened the door to get in, but Donghae stopped me before I could get in and kissed my lips.

"What was that for?" I asked surprised bit kissed him back.
"I love you," he caressed my cheek and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I love you too." I gave him a shy smile and pecked his cheek, then getting in the back seat and closing the door behind me.

To be continued... In the next chaptersorry for the long wait I'm just happy you guys still read it 👌

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now