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Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Enjoy this one as well xx

"Excuse me..." I felt a hand gently shake me. Must be dad. "Mhmm..." my head slowly swiped up, coming face to face with someone familiar.
"I'm sorry, are you open?" The male voice was smooth, just like the guy from yesterday. That's when I realized it was him and came to my senses.

"Omo, I'm so sorry. I guess I fell asleep. We were supposed to be closed right now but seems like I never got to close up."
I stood up in a rush, suddenly becoming dizzy from the lack of blood to my head.
Before falling a pair of strong arms caught me.
He was suddenly very close to me and I could smell the scent of his sweet cologne and what seemed like peppermint gum.
"Oh I..." I tried, but words would not come out of my mouth. "Gwenchana?" He asked worry flashing in his beautiful eyes.
I nodded.
He helped me back to my feet unharmed.
"Thanks. Since I'm open now, what can I help you with?"
He clicked his tongue and stared at me, "Well... actually I just wanted to know your name."
My name? That's what he wanted? My heart all of a sudden started pounding.
"Kang Y/n. That's my name." I smiled, running a hand nervously through my hair.
"That's pretty. I'm Lee Donghae, nice to meet you." He shook my hand, yet again making me blush like a crazy woman.

His name sounded somewhat familiar, but I still couldn't place him.
"Nice to meet you too." I replied tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.
"I gotta get back to work. I'm happy I got to know your name. Also I'll take this." He stepped back and reached out grabbing something on a shelf. He placed it on the counter, a can of coffee, probably because he couldn't go empty handed out of the store.
"See you around." He smiled as he went out of the doors. "Yeah." I said after him as he left.
Who was this guy? And why did he want to know my name? I'm not even that great of a person. In fact I'm extremely boring and so is my life. All I ever do is work and study.

I probably wouldn't see this guy ever again, but a part of me hoped I would.
I finally closed off the store since dad would be coming later during the day to open. What would I even tell him? That I closed the store and happened to fall asleep there. The clock showed that it was almost 10 am. I went home and was met by the smell of seaweed soup and kimchi pancakes.

"Morning." I greeted dad in the kitchen. "Did you fall asleep again at the store after closing?" He asked not even sparing me a glance.
"How did you know?" I stopped to look at him, surprised he even had that thought.
"Well, I figured since it's happened before and you didn't come home. You had to have fallen asleep." He spoke as a matter of factly. 

He knew I'd done it before? Why had he not said anything. At least I didn't have to explain myself.
"I guess that's true. Sorry. I'll be in my room." I gently patted his back and headed straight for my room.
I was so tired from working that I collapsed on the bed, my legs feeling like two twigs snapping underneath me. Since I didn't see Eun Jae, she must've gone to school. She always worked her best in school, I had to make sure she did. It was her last year of high school and at the moment she was top 1 in the class, just like her own sister was.

Sometimes I felt more like her mother than her older sister. We did have an age gap of 5 years and at times we were in completely different worlds.

After lying on the bed for a while, I headed back out to the kitchen, to find a note left by dad. 'I'm at the store, eat some of this.' It was the seaweed soup and kimchi pancakes he had been cooking up earlier.

I took some of it and went to the living room, turning on the TV. A music program flipped on and showed the hosts talking about a comeback from an old boy group that would happen on the show. They showed a clip, like a video teaser and to my surprise I saw some familiar faces. It was the group SuperJunior.

So the guy who had been looking for dried squid had been Kim Heechul? That's why he looked so familiar, I knew was a face I had seen before.
The other guy that was with him then popped up. It had to be him, his hair was blonde in the clip. Of course I couldn't see his hair color underneath the cap he was wearing, but it had to be Lee Donghae, as he told me his name was.

It looked so much like him and the eyes were no mistake. The same glimmer I saw in them the day he came to the store was the same as in that video teaser.

My mouth was literally ajar. I had actually met two members from Super Junior! And one of them even came back just to know my name.
My mind was in a cloudy haze.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter xx will update soon

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now