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Last part of the date in this chapter, enjoy xx Hope it was worth the long wait :D

The movie started and I could feel Donghae becoming a tiny bit uneasy. Did he not like horror movies?

Was he only doing this for me? I paused the movie and looked at him, "Do you not like horror movies Donghae?" 

He shifted slightly, scratching the back of his neck, "I mean... not really, but it's okay. I know you like to watch them." he was so sweet, the fact that he even wanted to do this for me was still a mystery to me. 

I felt bad that he had to watch this movie, just because of me. I couldn't offer that to him, even though it was a sweet gesture. 

"We don't have to watch it if you don't like horror. I can watch this at some other point. You don't need to do this for me," I smiled and stood up to take the disc out of the DVD player, "What else do you have?" I asked looking around the shelves on the tv stand for another movie. 

"Are you sure?" he got up and walked towards me, "I have that movie, Along With The Gods." He rummaged around the tv stand and brought out the DVD. 

"Let's watch that one. I never got to see it when it came out in the cinema, I've been dying to watch it," I took it from his hand and placed it in the DVD player and pressed play. 

We sat back down on the mattress and pulled the blanket over us. " I'm still sorry though..." he nudged my arm gently with his elbow. "Don't worry about it. There are so many other movies we can watch together. I'll just watch horror with Ha-Ra," I smiled at him and he took my hand giving it a tiny squeeze. 

A volcano of butterflies erupted in my stomach sending a blush slowly up through my cheeks. Luckily it was dim, so he wasn't able to see the strawberry face planted next to him. 

Soon we were caught up in watching the movie, which was pretty intense and very well made.

When the movie ended, I was half asleep beside Donghae. He gently shook me to wake me up. "Are you sleeping? The movie is finished."

"I guess I kind of dozed off for a moment there. Sorry... But the movie was really good, what I saw of it anyway." I gave him an apologetic look and got up from the mattress.

"I should probably get home before my dad files a missing person report," I said, sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"Yeah, I'll drop you off. I have to make sure my date gets home safely." He stood up beside me and went over to grab his keys from the table and his jacket. 

I gathered my things and put on my shoes, following Donghae out of the apartment.

We drove in silence back to my house. Why were we so awkward when we already know each other?

The car slowed down in front of our house and he took the keys out of the ignition.

I opened the car door and slid out, grabbing my bag in the process.

Donghae followed me to the door, where we both stood looking at each other in silence.

It was like we were both 10 years old and didn't know what to say, afraid of embarrassing ourselves. My heart definitely running wild and I didn't want to go inside.

I kept standing there, waiting for something to happen. A few strands of Donghae's black hair fell slightly into his eyes, making it look like he was squinting towards the sun that wasn't there. 

He looked so good, he always did.
I kept digging my nails into the palm of my hand to make sure this wasn't a dream.

"Uhm... Thanks for today, I had a really great time," I finally managed to say something but I probably sounded like a pubescent boy.

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now