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New chapter!! Thank you again for reading this, I love you all!!

"You what?" Ha-Ra blurted, surprised at my statement. 

"I ran away from home. Dad went totally insane on me. I'm not going back there, can I stay with you?" Tears were still running down my cheeks and I had already begun walking towards the place that Ha-Ra lived. 

"Of course, I'm so sorry. It's a good thing our house is big," Ha-Ra sounded very concerned as she spoke her words. 

I was so frustrated and angry at my dad. How could he be like this?

It's not like Donghae was a fifty-something-year-old man, I would've understood that.

But this was just such bull crap. My dad didn't care about me being happy.

It was probably because he couldn't be happy with my mom and he couldn't bear to see me being happy for once. 

I had to call Donghae and tell him about all of this. 

"Thank you so much Ha-Ra, you're the best," I said before we said goodbye and hung up.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was my sister's name on the caller ID.

"Yes?" I said dryly after pressing the green button and placing the phone to my ear.

"Please come home," she pleaded, almost pathetically but I knew she meant it.

"No, I don't want to live in the same house as dad..." I coldly cut her off. I was under no circumstance coming back home.

Dad ruined that for me and I had no intention of ever coming back. Even Eun-Jae couldn't convince me otherwise.

"Oh please? I know you had a fight but you are family and you love each other," she tried, her voice frail and thin, sounding a bit like she could break down and cry any minute.

"I'm sorry Eun, I just need some time away from dad right now, okay? I will stay with Ha-Ra for now. You'll know where to find me" I knew that somehow Eun-Jae would understand and wait until I felt like talking to dad again.

"Okay.... Promise me you'll call every day. Have you spoken to Donghae about this?" Eun-Jae sounded nervous and concerned when she ended the sentence with that question. 

"No, I haven't... yet. I will call him now," I said abruptly hanging up on her.

This was just about the craziest and stupidest thing to ever happen in my life. This situation was just silly, it really wasn't that big of a deal, so why was it for my dad?

I found Donghae's number and pressed it, the dial tone starting up. I nervous for some reason, what would his reaction be to this? 

It was messed up, that's what it was. 

The phone kept ringing with no answer. "Right..." I sighed and hung up after the voice from his voicemail boomed through the line. 

Sometimes I forget that he's actually a celebrity and he will not always be free to answer my calls. He was probably busy with whatever he was doing. I'd have to wait for him to call back, it would be stupid to text him everything when there were tons of things to say. 

Right now I was happy that Ha-Ra existed. It was such a blessing to have a friend like her and to even think that I was able to meet her was still unreal to me. 

I wasn't supposed to have friends, I didn't do that. But yet here I was, having a friend that was helping me when I needed it. It honestly felt like I didn't do enough for her at times. 

Love is more than a number ❤️ Donghae (SuperJunior x reader) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now