Episode 21

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"Get the fuck off me!" A man wearing partial old clone armor with green markings and a green jacket yells and slams a Sullustan man into a wall.

Inside a cantina was former clone Sergeant Dex who was being attacked by a gang of thugs. A Quarren swings at him and he ducks and punches him in the stomach, grabs him by the back of his jacket and slams him into a table. He turns and kicks a weequay in the head as he was running over with a knife. He stumbles back and Dex looks around as the sullustan was getting up. He runs at Dex who kicks him in the chest and he flies back into the wall. A Nikto runs at Dex who grabs his arm and twists it. He screams before Dex elbows him in the head. He drops onto the ground as the Weequay slashed at Dex with the knife. Dex jumps back and kicks the weequay in the shoulder then again in the head and he falls over. He looks around as the thugs lay on the ground groaning. He walks over toward his table he'd been sitting at and grabs his blaster off the ground before grabbing his drink and swallowing the last little bit inside and setting it back down. He picks up his helmet off the table and walks over toward the bar and tosses some credits toward the bartender.

"Sorry about the mess." He says.

"No problem..." The Sullustan bartender says, catching the credits as Dex walks out of the bar.

Dex walks into the streets of Coruscant and glances around before he starts down the street, following the foot traffic. He pulls out his communicator.

"512, ready the ship. I'll be there soon." Dex says.

A droid beeps through it from the other side.

"You make sure those Jawas keep their mitts off my ship, and you buddy." Dex says.

512 beeps wildly.

"Ok ok, I'll be there soon." Dex says before the droid interrupts him again.

"O-ok buddy. You'll be fine." Dex says chuckling as the droid beeps even more.

"I'll see you soon." He says before putting his communicator away.

"Droids." He sighs and continues through the streets.

He got a strange feeling and glances back behind him. He could see two men following him but he couldn't quite make out what they looked like. He removes his helmet and looks down at it, using the visor as a mirror to glance back. He could make out a man wearing partial clone armor and another man wearing cargo pants and a vest. They both wore dirty ponchos with hoods and couldn't see their faces. He couldn't tell if they were armed. He pretends to wipe something off of his helmet before placing the bucket back on his head. He takes turn down a street headed toward the hangar bay his ship was at and he slowly reaches inside his jacket to grab a DC-17 pistol he had hidden. He keeps it hidden in his jacket as he gets closer toward the hangar. He could still hear the men following him.

"What do you want?" Dex asks himself.

He turns into a storage room and quickly ducks to the side. The lights were off. He watches as the door opens behind him and glances over from behind a crate to see the two men walk in.

"He's in here." The first man wearing partial clone armor says.

"Copy that." The second says and walks around, trying to see through the darkness in the room.

Dex saw his opportunity to strike and he leaps out from behind the crate and grabs the second man from behind. He struggles and Dex pistol whips him in the side of the head and throws him into a crate. The man grunts and tumbled into the ground and Dex looks over toward the first man and takes aim at him. He fires as the first man dodges to the side and runs at Dex. He grabs his arm as he fires another shot, hitting the ceiling. The first man twists Dex's hand and he grunts, dropping his pistol before he punches the man in the face. He stumbles back and Dex kicks him in the chest and he flies back into the wall. The second man now grabs Dex from behind and they struggle before Dex rams the back of his head into the nose of the man holding him. The man screams and grabs his face as blood pours through his fingers. Dex then turns and kicks the man in the stomach and he falls back onto the ground. Dex looks down at the man as he groans and holds his face before he slowly turns around. After he turns around he's surprised by a punch to the face that causes everything to go black.

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