Episode 20

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A small squad of clones walked around on a patrol. The squad was made up of two AT-RTs with their respective drivers, a heavy trooper that lead the small squad, and four "shinies".

"You just got deployed on the most boring outpost imaginable." One of the AT-RT drivers tells the shinies as they walk through the woods.

"Yeah, Corporal, why do they make us go on all these patrols, if we're not going to find anything?" The second AT-RT driver asks.

"Cut the chatter you two." The heavy trooper snaps.

"No no, I'm serious. If there were clankers here, we'd know by now sir." The second AT-RT driver says.

"Look, we have a job to do. It's not the most exciting, but it sure beats scrubbing down floors. Poor Cobalt and Eco got stuck doing that. Lucky, got not-so-lucky, he has to do counts and inventory all of our med supplies." The corporal chuckles.

"Sir yes sir." An AT-RT driver says.

A sound of a branch breaking could be heard in the jungle around them.

"Uh sir. Did you hear that?" One of the shinies asks.

"Hear what? I don't hear anything." The corporal says.

"I just-" the trooper starts.

"Come on. Keep up." One of the AT-RT drivers says.

Out of nowhere, a blaster bolt hits the corporal in the chest and he does a spin before fall onto the ground.

"What the-" one of the AT-RT drivers ask and they stand back to back on their walkers.

"I've got movement!" The second yells and they start firing into the woods around them.

The Rookies kneel down and fire back into the woods as they could see Trandoshans emerging. An explosion hits the first AT-RT and the driver flies off as his walker lands on top of one of the Rookies. The driver slowly looks around as he sees a trandoshan standing right in front of him. He kicks the clone in the head, knocking him out.

"We're being overrun!" The second AT-RT driver yells as he shoots down three trandoshans before turning around.

"They're jamming out transmis-aghhh!" One of the Rookies yells as he's grabbed from the back and slammed onto the ground.

Back at the outpost, a clone sergeant named Dex stood in the command center with his Astromech R2-512.

"Where is that patrol?" Dex asks.

He looks down at his Droid that beeps curiously.

"Have you picked up any transmissions from them?" Dex asks.

His Droid beeps wildly again.

"Everything alright sir?" Nexus asks walking in.

"The patrol still isn't back yet. It's not like them to be this late." Dex tells him.

"Yes sir." Nexus says.

"Grab Lucky and a few men. We'll go check it out." Dex says.

"Yes sir." Nexus says.

Dex and a large team of troops, all clad in green head out from the outpost. Dex points to two ARF troopers with BARC Speeder bikes.

"You two do a full perimeter sweep. Check out their last origin of transmission." Dex tells them.

"Yes sir." One says and climbs onto the Speeder and the two take off.

"What about us sir?" A Scout trooper asks.

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