Episode 14

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"You called for me Admiral?" A TIE fighter pilot asks as she walks into an office.

An imperial Admiral sat at his desk and looked at a holopad. He slowly looks up to face the pilot. He nods and motions toward the seat across from him as he places he holopad down on his desk. Through the window behind him, the factory could be seen producing the new improved TIE Phantoms.

"Yes I did Captain. Your Squadron, I've been very impressed with your dossier of you and the pilots flying under your command." The Admiral says.

"Thank you sir. That still doesn't tell me why we're here on this rock, however." She tells him.

"Ah yes. I do believe I have some explaining to do." He says, turning in his seat to look out over the factory.

The TIE Pilot captain leans forward with her helmet resting in her lap as she prepares to listen to him.

"As you are probably aware, Captain Sarn and myself have been put in charge of this facility and the testing and protection of the TIE Phantoms. Their prototypes have been field tested off and on for the past couple years, destroying a few rebel scouts here, a weapons smuggler there, just off and on." The Admiral says before turning back around toward the Captain.

"It's been proven that they can be beaten, they aren't invincible. With that being said however, the pilots we had flying them before, they were fresh from the academy. Young, fresh, ready to serve their emperor." The Admiral continues then looks ahead at the Captain.

"That's why you ordered me and my squad be transferred here sir?" The Captain asks.

"Yes. To get better, more skilled pilots flying my ships. We've been given the go ahead to produce enough to outfit an entire fleet just at this location alone while Captain Sarn and his team continues research at the other location." The Admiral says.

"So, when do we get to meet our new ships?" The Captain asks.

The Admiral chuckles.

"I want the Phantom to have a higher presence in the galaxy. Spread out, you and your Squadron have free reign to hunt down whatever rebel targets you can find. Report back to me and give me a detailed field report of how they perform." The Admiral tells her.

"Yes sir." The captain says and stands up.

"You and your squad will be delivered to your new ships upon their return from patrol." The Admiral says.

"Yes sir. Thank you sir. We won't let you down." She says.

"I know you won't. Dismissed." The Admiral says and turns back around to look toward the construction of the TIEs ahead.

A group of five TIE fighters lands in the main hangar and the pilots start climbing out. A man removes his helmet as an officer starts walking over holding a datapad in his hands.

"May I see that so I can get to working on my fighter?" The pilot asks and reaches for the datapad.

"I'm afraid not sir. This isn't you fighter anymore." The Officer tells him.

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