Episode 2

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"This doesn't look good." Ted says looking through the binoculars down at the destroyed trenches.

He could see the 28 rebel survivors lined up on their knees as imperials walked around he perimeter and chatted.

"This is a total imperial takeover." Xan says as Ted passes the binoculars to him and he zooms in on the commanding imperial officers.

He stares at TK-0747 then over at TK-8751 and finally at Derik in his olive uniform.

"We have to report back to Ian." Ted says.

"What's up with the Gryphon squadron fighters though?" Xan asks.

"I'm not sure but it can't be good. They aren't fairing all too well." Ted tells him.

They slowly ease down the hill and make their way toward their shuttle hidden in the woods. They look up as another X-wing crashes through the trees above and crashes into the ground just outside of the wooded area. Ted and Xan keep moving however.

"General!" A pilot yells at Foley.

"What now!?" He screams.

"I...I'm sorry..." He tells him.

"What!?" Foley asks.

"This is insane! We're retreating!" A pilot tells him.

"Don't you do it! If you head back to Umbara you will be killed! If not, I will find you and kill you myself! You cowards!" Foley screams.

"I'm sorry sir." The pilot says.

Foley watches as 4 X-wings and 2 Y-wings turn tail from the battle and head up to make a jump back to Umbara.

"Vaughn! Shoot down those traitors!" Foley yells as he turns toward them and opens fire.

"On it!" Vaughn yells and starts targeting them.

"Ahh I'm hit!" An X-wing pilot yells as her fighter explodes.

"Jump!" A Y-wing pilot yells and the last 5 fighters blasts off before they could be blown away.

"I'm still with you boss." Gryphon 10 tells Foley.

"Thanks...let's show these imperials what we're made of." Foley says.

Xan and Ted were in the shuttle, preparing for liftoff and they quickly fly out of the woods to plot their course. They were spotted by a TIE fighter that opened fire on them. It it's the side but did minimal damage before they jump and avoid being shot down.

"Scramble signal and contact Bat Command." Xan tells Ted.

"Already on it." Ted says, pressing a few buttons at the controls.

A few minutes later, a hologram of Ian appeared at each console in front of both of them.

"What's the report?" Ian asks.

"The rebels have lost. It is a lost cause." Xan says.

"It is as I feared." Ian says.

"Imperials overran the last trench line that was in defense and took 28 prisoners. It's hardly work the risk to rescue them. They're surrounded by dozens of walkers and hundreds of imperial army troopers and Stormtroopers." Ted says.

"Duly noted." Ian nods as he grabs a datapad and starts typing.

"Anything else?" He asks and looks up.

"We noticed Gryphon Squadron fighter's. They were not fairing too well against the imperials. Only about 5 more fighters remained. They had lost all their support craft and I believe we saw 4 or 5 retreat." Ted says.

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