Episode 13

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"Sir, they're here." A young imperial officer wearing a grey uniform tells a man in a white ISB uniform.

"Excellent. Let them in." The ISB Officer says.

He slowly turns around in his chair to look across his desk as the officer bows and walks toward the door. He opens it and steps back, sharing a face of fear as eight bounty hunters step through the door. Leading the pack was a white armoured man in Mandalorian armor. Following him was a scarred Rodian wearing pieces of Mandalorian armor then a Kyuzo that had a white furred Anooba beside him. After that was a Duros with a large hat which he tipped toward the officer. A large, scaly Trandoshan wearing a yellow flight suit walked in and stops, sniffing the air. He looks over toward the young officer by the door and licks his lips before he continues walking and chuckling. An armoured man with white bandages wrapped around his scarred head walks in and behind him was another Rodian wearing a green suit with an orange vest. The last to walk through was a man carrying a sniper rifle over his shoulder, wearing a helmet with yellow markings. He nods to the officer as he finally steps through.

"Leave us." The ISB Officer tells the young man.

He quickly nods and hurriedly walks out of the door.

"I think the boy pissed himself." The white-clad Mandalorian says chuckling.

"And just who the hell are you?" The Duros asks the Mandalorian.

"That's none of your concern, bounty hunter." The Mandalorian says coldly.

"This is Taru Sket. He will be your adviser on the mission I have for you. Your leader, if you may." The ISB Officer says.

"I'm gonna stop ya right there chief. This soldier boy ain't my leader. I'm my own leader. I don't like being told what to do." The Duros says flicking his hat upwards a bit.

"I already know that me and you are going to get along nicely." The Mandalorian says glaring over at the Duros.

"Have you all been introduced to one another yet?" The ISB Officer asks.

"A few of us." The scarred Rodian in partial Mandalorian armor says.

"Lets start with the bantha in the room. Taru, I'd like to introduce you to Cad Bane." The ISB Officer says motioning toward the Duros.

Taru nods.

"Next we have Bossk, Dengar, Embo. They, much like Cad Bane, made a name for themselves during the Clone War. The two Rodians in the back are Greedo and Tennant. It's too bad your partner couldn't make it, Tennant." The ISB Officer continues

"Yeah. Quite...unfortunate..." Tennant says chuckling.

"Last but not least, back there is Rako Hardeen." The ISB Officer says pointing toward the man wearing the helmet with yellow markings.

"You're the actual Hardeen right?" Bane asks as he turns toward him.

"What do you mean?" Hardeen asks.

"I was stuck working with Kenobi disguised as you during the clone war." Bane says.

"Ah Yeah. No, I'm me this time." Hardeen reassures him.

"You better be." Bane scoffs.

"Listen, if ya don tell us why we're ere, I'm gone jet on outta ere." Dengar tells the officer.

"The empire has some uh....special....packages... that need to be delivered. They're very high profile." The ISB Officer says.

"So we're delivery boys?" Bane asks with a scowl.

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