Episode 18

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"Left! Left!" Bruiser shouts as he fires on Jedi from behind a pillar.

"Watch out!" Jawbreaker yells and looks over.

He watches a Ithorian Jedi run over toward Bruiser. The clone tries to turn before the Jedi slashes his blaster in half and slashes him across the chest. Jawbreaker turns his Z-6 toward the Jedi before he's lifted into the air and tossed to the side, smacking into Nerv, knocking the two unconscious. The Jedi turns as two blaster bolts enter his back. He stumbles as he looks around and sees Iguan staring ahead at him. The Jedi takes another step toward him before he's shot three more times in the chest and he drops to the ground. Iguan walks over and kicks the Jedi's lightsaber aside before shooting him twice more in the back. He looks over as Hammerhead and Mako were running over.

"Come on sir! Commander Appo requested more troops in the archives hall! Let's go!" Mako yells.

Iguan nods and takes off behind the two ARF troopers. Agama, Bleu, Smoker, Daze, and Breaker all join the attack in the archives behind the others.

"They're all over the place!" Daze yells.

"Hold on!" Smoker yells as he runs over with his Z-6.

A Bith Jedi jumps down and force pushes Smoker, Agama, Daze, and Mako into a wall, piling them on top of each other as they fall unconscious. Bleu, Iguan, Hammerhead and Breaker all turn and open fire on the Jedi. He deflects their blaster bolts back at the clones, hitting Hammerhead and Breaker and they drop. He leaps up and lands behind Bleu and Iguan, turning and slashing Bleu across the back. He screams and drops to the ground before the Bith starts running off. Iguan takes aim and fires two shots. The first misses and the second is deflected back toward him. Everything goes black.


Iguan jolts awake in his bed gasping for air and reaching under his pillow to grab a DC-17 and aims it around the room. He looks around before he lets out a deep breath and sets the pistol down. He rubs his eyes as he looks around as he tries to slow his breathing down.

"You had a bad dream again." Agama says from a bed next to his.

"Huh?" Iguan asks.

"You talk in your sleep. I could tell what it was." Agama says as he was staring at a datapad.

"Y-yes sir..." Iguan starts.

"It's ok trooper. It's over." Agama says, setting the datapad down as looking at him.

"I just..." Iguan starts again.

"There's nothing you can do now." Agama tells him.

"I remember it so vividly...the screaming...the bodies...the Jedi...the younglings..." Iguan says rubbing his head.

"We did terrible things, we're just lucky we got out the way we did, and when we did." Agama says.

"Yeah, I guess being left for dead isn't so bad after all." Iguan says.

"We're lucky we found Blue-Eye before Yellow Squad, so he could clear out his research and he could help us." Agama continues.

"I can't stop thinking...about the Jedi I killed sir. And the others, the ones that didn't make it as far as we did. Smoker an-and Breaker...and Daze...and Dodge...Lance. All of them." Iguan says, looking over at Agama.

"They died fighting the same fight we're fighting now. The same one Bruiser and Mako died fighting." Agama says.

"Yes sir..." Iguan says.

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