Chapter 31: New buds

Start from the beginning

They drag me down this hall that lacked windows or really any light. There was the creaking of a door and I was thrown into a dark room. Change smirks.

"Enjoy your current room, Inky! Say hi to your new buds! Hah, learned that name from Nightmare's insights. We'll be back soon to make you three worth some service to us."Change says before walking back the way they came

I sat there, gently holding my injured arm, thinking. The door turned back to a wall soon enough, making escape difficult without my brush. I'd be an idiot to try and punch my way through. I couldn't even win alone against them. I'm at a disadvantage and outnumbered. I sigh, knowing I'll just have to wait.

"They got another one, PJ."one voice says

"You've got to be kidding me. Well, better than being here, alone, don't ya think Gray?"a second says

"True."the first agrees

"Huh?!"I exclaim, forgetting there were mentioned others here.

I turn around as my eye-lights adjust to the darkness. I see two skeletons sitting on the floor a few feet away from me. They were back to back, one with their back turned to me in that sense. The one facing me glanced at me with this unsure gaze. They must be some other multiverse characters those kids took with Nightmare's help. I gaze at them, unsure of they're friendly or hostile. For all I know, those kids threw some bad guys in here before me to cause some more trouble. But, they didn't seem to be looking for trouble. They seemed unsure and scared as well. While strangely reminding me of Error with their dark skeleton color.

 While strangely reminding me of Error with their dark skeleton color

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(first time drawing Paperjam and Gradient)

"T-They seem nervous. Scared even."The one gazing at me, the first voice's owner, tells the other

"Doesn't that make three of us? Glad they can join us. That means they may not cause any trouble."The second says, their back still to me

The first nods. They gaze back at me curiously. 

"Let's go introduce ourselves already."They say impatiently

"Okay."The second says, finally turning

The two begin to come over to me. I inch backwards nervously, until I was pressed against the wall. They pause right in front of me. 

"H-Hi. You must be 'Inky'. Do not fear us please, we're just as scared as you probably. It's okay. I'm Gradient."The first says

"I'm Paperjam. You can call me PJ, most do. Is that really your name or is it just some joke of those idiots?"The second says

I was silent, thinking for the moment. Inky is a nickname, therefore a name that I'm called often. Plus I just met these two and don't know what kind of people they are. Best to go with the nickname.

"I-Inky is my name. It's nice to meet you both."I say nervously

"So, what did they do to you? They tried to give Gradient here a control chemical but they only removed his error signs. They gave me one but it only disabled one of my defense abilities. Stupid kids and black tentacle dude."Paperjam says

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