She turned back to face Steve as he continued to introduce the rest of the people in the room.

"This is Clint." He pointed towards the man to Alex's left, who was lounging casually in a chair. He had shortly cropped brown hair and was wearing a black sleeveless top and trousers. He winked jokily at Alex before Steve finished.

"And this is Thor." He finally gesturing to the muscular man next to him who, like 'Laky', had long hair, but this time golden blonde, and had an enormous-looking hammer resting right next to him on the coffee table. He smiled kindly at Alex as she tried to turn her attention away from the slightly menacing hammer and towards him.

"And I'm guessing you already know Loki." Steve added, nodding his head to the man next to Alex.

Oh... that was it, Loki, not Laky — whoops.

Alex nodded all the same, looking up at the man she was next to and smiling warmly.

There was silence for a while and everyone mostly just looked at little Alex, who had begun to feel quite uncomfortable, mostly because she hated silences.
Awkwardly, she began swinging her legs back and forth from where they dangled off the edge of the couch, desperately thinking of something to say to break their staring and the silence that had smothered them all.

"So umm... where am I." She finally asked, twiddling her thumbs nervously as she looked around at all the adults in the room, waiting for an answer.

"This is the Avengers Tower, we live here." Steve replied, before adding modestly, "and we being... well, you know what, you could just call us sort of important people." He simplified, leaning slightly further forwards from where he sat.

Before Alex could ask anything else, she heard an obnoxious snort coming from her left.
"'Sort of important people?'" Clint scoffed, imitating Steve. "Yeah, we don't do much, we only save the world on a weekly basis, you know, just the usual — but, of course, we're just sort of important." He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Steve.

Alex sniggered at his impression, despite not understanding a word he had said about 'saving the world on a weekly basis', was that just exaggerated sarcasm... or was he actually being serious?

Steve shook his head at his friend's immaturity, trying to hide the grin that was slowly creeping onto his face.

"Well yeah, we're the sort of important Avengers." He finished, trying to return back to his serious manner (which resulted in his face morphing into some sort of contorted expression in between laughter and seriousness).
Alex giggled slightly at his face, pulling herself out of her thoughts as Steve smiled, turning his attention back to her.

"So you definitely don't work with the bad people then?" She asked hurriedly, already feeling slightly more comfortable with her environment; but she still wouldn't let her guard down entirely, she just couldn't risk that, not yet...

In response to her question, they all shook their heads vigorously.
"We're the ones who don't like the... 'bad people'." Loki explained simply, looking down at Alex.

"Ooo!" Clint interrupted, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "It's fatherly Loki in action!" He exclaimed, pretending to eat some popcorn whilst staring intently at the god of mischief.

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