It had been hard work raising a baby girl as an unmarried couple of soldiers, but we made it work. I sort of became a stay at home mom for the first years of her life, which felt so different from being at Rainbow. I began longing to be back at the academy to train. I could feel myself losing the muscle I had gained over the years, so right after our honeymoon I would be back at Rainbow!

Ellie smiled as she looked around the room. Luckily, she knew all of the bridesmaids. I swear they each came in every day to check on the baby. I did not expect Luna to be one for kids, since she liked quiet, but boy was I wrong.

Ellie tugged on my dress lightly again- "Starting soon?"

Ela- I'll check."

Ela opened the door and I could hear the low chatter of everyone outside.

Ela- It's time, Monika."

I was nervous as hell. This day had to be amazing, and I just hoped I wouldn't do something dumb like fall and mess it up.

After Ela opened the door up from the trailer I had gotten changed in I saw a red carpet leading towards the hidden area and the pavilion. I hadn't even thought of my dress, but I guess Y/n had. Ela gave Ellie the little pedal basket and her eyes filled with glee. She loved flowers.

I was handed the bouquet by Luna as I slowly began walking. I could hear soft music playing as Luna took hands with Dominic and the two walked down the aisle, followed by Zofia and Danny,  then Elena and Gilles, wedding rings on each ones hands, and finally Ela and Elias. The Maid of Honor and the Best Man.

As soon as the isle was clear, I gave a light push to my baby girl signifying it was time for her to go. She happily pranced down the isle, tossing flower-petals all around. I think a few even got on Six, but I could just see her smiling. Once Ellie reached the altar she climbed up to her father and he lifted her in his arm.

As soon as Ellie got up to her father I was awestruck with how Y/n looked. His neatly pressed, wrinkle-free black suit fit perfectly to his white undershirt, with which his muscles were clearly visible. His hair was neatly combed to the side, revealing his handsome face and, unsurprisingly, still chapped lips. His spare hand was nervously being fiddled in his pocket, which I assume held his vows. I had no pockets on my dress, so I had to remember my vows from memory.

As I looked up to his face, Y/n's eyes met mine, and I nervously walked down the isle towards the altar. I could see both Y/n's mother, Mom and Dad crying tears of joy. My eyes almost wet at how happy I was. As I slowly walked up to the altar, my eyes met with Y/n's, who was standing across from me, our little girl being bounced on his hip and happily smiling at me. He reached his spare hand out to gently hold mine.

In between us was Gustave, who we had as our priest. Being an altruist, he wanted to help everyone, which included becoming a marrying priest for us. He calmly held a bible as he began speaking.

Gustave- You may now be seated." Everyone quickly sat in there seats.

Gustave- Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Monika Weiss and Y/n Bosak in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this, these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

Gus waited a few moments as the room was filled with silence.

Gustave continued speaking until it got up to the time to say our vows. Y/n spoke first.

Y/n- Monika Weiss, I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you, my first day at Rainbow. I had been hoping that things would end up like today. I vow to support both you and our daughter, as long as I may live, through eternity. I will never leave you.  For richer or poorer, sick or healthy, I will protect you. I will stay with you. I will love you."

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