Chapter 20- Mikey Is Queen Elsa

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        I got up, and looked in my suitcase. Eventually, I got an outfit together. A pair of my shredded jeans over leggings, with two layered sweaters. I also took Calum's beanie, and put it on. "How does your girly-friend look?" I looked, posing in an exaggerated model stance.

        "She looks adorable." He responded, taking my hands, and kissing them both.

        "Can you two stop being so adorable?" Luke's voice was suddenly in the doorway, looking both amused and grossed out.

        I rolled my eyes. "Would it kill you to knock before you just open the door and burst in?"

        "Why? So you two can freely bang? Nah, it's my responsibility to cock-block Calum as much as possible

        I had to grin, but Calum just rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Luke. You succeeded, so yay you."

        Luke winked, then nodded, grinning cheekily. "I know. I'm so good at my job. But seriously, guys. Let's get going."

        I nodded, and gently pulled my hands from Calum. "Come on, let's go." I walked out of the room, past Luke, and down the stairs, followed by both Calum and Luke. We got going soon, and headed to the ice skating rink.


         We were lucky, the rink was dead, except for a young mother, with two eight year old twins. So we didn't have to worry about getting mobbed. We asked them to pump up the music, and as we slid on to the ice, the song 'Let It Go' began to play. Though I wanted to stab forks in my ears, Mikey was totally into it.

        He spread his arms as he skated to the center of the ice, bellowing out the lyrics. He was smiling, and with the blue streaks in his light hair, he looked remarkably Elsa-like. 

        I rolled my eyes, laughing at him as he dramatically sang along. "You're such a drama queen, Michael." I called, rolling my eyes.

        Luke, Ash, Calum and I watched him in laughter, staying closer to the wall.

        "You will feel the wrath of Queen Elsa." He threatened, holding his fingers out, as if he was about to eternally freeze us.

        Shivering, Luke had a fake spaz, freezing up, then trembling and falling on his knees.

        "That's not what happens, ya DUMMY." I said to Luke. Skating over, I tapped him in the stomach with the toe of my skate. "When you freeze, you turn clear and blue and just die. Ya don't spaz and fall over."

        "Shh, don't talk to dead people, babe." Calum skated over, taking my hand with a smile. I gripped his hand through my finger-less gloves.

        Luke was doing pretty good at pretending to be dead, until he sneezed extremely loudly, his whole body twitching suddenly, when he did.

        I laughed, clutching my stomach. I didn't know why it was so hilarious, but it was. Calum joined me in laughter, as did Mikey. "Come on, Luke, get it together." He laughed.

        "Shhh. Shhh. Let it go." He hoisted himself into a standing position.

         Calum and I eventually skated away, until Mikey came skating up behind me. He seized my other hand, and I saw him and Calum nod at each other. Then less than a second later, I got picked up and hoisted on their shoulders. I shrieked in surprise. Somehow, they both managed to hold me up on their shoulders as they skated around. "Let me down, ELSA." I screwed my mouth into a pouting position.

        "Just enjoy the ride, babe." Calum laughed, speeding up slightly.

        It was pretty fun, admittedly. Though I was kind of terrified of falling off. They were both so tall, and falling off of their shoulders, onto hard cold ice would screw up my face pretty bad. Luckily, I made it, only slipping once. However, they managed to catch me, and then set me back down.

        "You brats almost killed me." I stuck out my tongue at them, bouncing on the tips of my skate blades.

        "I know, aren't we just awful, Mikey?" Calum asked, sarcastically.

        "Just terrible." He agreed, equally sarcastic.

        I sighed. "You two are so full of it."

        "Thank you, muh dear." Calum opened his arms, and drew me to him, wrapping his arms tightly around me, squeezing my body against him. My voice was muffled and I could barely talk as I choked out; "This is not comfortable for me."

        Laughing, he released me and took my hand. "Come on, let's just skate."


Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- Calum Hoodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن