Chapter 7- Arrival Of The Derpin' Hooligans

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Thanks so much for reading this ish. It means a lot. Please comment and vote, you have no idea how much it means. Sorry for the shortness and boringness of this chapter.


        Not too many days after our wrestle/tickle fest, Calum made an announcement at the dinner table.

        "So I invited the guys to come visit us." He said suddenly, putting his palms face down on the table. It was obvious that he meant the other boys in his band.

        "Okay, that's great, honey." Jade smiled, taking a bite of her food. "Where are they staying?"

        "Here." He said it slowly and rather nervously, like he knew they wouldn't like it, but he wanted to do it before they could tell him not to.

        "Did you think to ASK before just inviting them?" Jade asked, giving him the; "REALLY?" look.


        "It'll be fine, Jade. We do have a guest bedroom and a pull-out couch. Everyone is welcome here."

        "He still should've asked." Jade pointed out, swallowing a sip of her drink.  "And you're really okay with three lads spending nights at your house, where your 17 year old daughter lives?"

        "Raven is responsible, she wouldn't do anything stupid."

        "I will ask next time." He promised. I could tell he was just hoping they wouldn't get mad at him.

        "So when are they coming?" Dad asked.

        He looked at his food, which was apparently suddenly very interesting. "Tooonightt."

        As if on a cue, the doorbell rang. I choked on my food from trying not to laugh.

        "Really, Calum?" Jade asked, sighing. "You've got to be joking."

        Calum shrugged. "Sorry mom. Guess I didn't remember to give you more of a heads-up." He stood up and raced to the door, flinging it open.

        In through our door poured three hot guys. Today was definitely not a bad day. First was Michael. He whooped. "ITS BEEN AWHILE SINCE THE 'OLE CRIB!" He announced.

        Next was Luke, and he had REALLY changed. I mean.. I'd seen pictures of him girl's instagram feeds, and I'd seen a few of their big music videos.. But it was almost surreal. Out of all of them, he'd definently changed. He now had good hair, stubble, a piercing, and was, I wasn't going to lie, sexy as hell.

        Then Ashton. I don't know what it was about Ashton, but my heart skipped a beat when I first saw him. It was crazy. I didn't like him, but he was just... He was adorable. He was beautiful. He was tall, he was funny, he was handsome,  he was well-dressed. He was... he was almost like Calum.

        I mentally slapped myself for thinking like that. Calum wasn't sexy. He wasn't.

        "Hey, guys!" Jade stood, forcing a smile and greeting them.

        "JADE!" Michael gave a huge hug, like she was his mother who he hadn't seen in forever.

        She laughed and embraced him shortly.

         "Its been a long time, lads, how are all of you?" My dad asked, standing and very awkwardly shaking each of their hands

        "Good, Mr. Taylor. Thanks for letting us stay here." Ashton piped up, trying to be all diplomatic.

        "Of course." He patted his shoulder, and then gestured to the table. "You all hungry? We have extra."

        "No, thanks, we're good. We all ate on the way here."

        "And I'm just about done." Calum walked to his plate, picked it up and set it on the counter, ignoring that more than half of his plate was still filled.

        "Come on, guys." He led them to his room, and for the rest of the evening we heard loud talking, whooping and occasional loud bouts of laughter.

        After I was done eating, I retreated to my room to read. Since my room was just around the corner to Calum, I could hear pretty much every single thing they said.

        For awhile, they talked about boring stuff, like music and boyish stuff, and then, it just so happened they got on the topic of me.  I was ignoring them, mostly, until I heard my name.

        "So, Raven's changed." I heard Luke say.

        "That's an understatement." Michael said with a loud laugh. "Last time I saw her, she looked like a gothic mouse."

        I was surprised to hear Calum defend me. "Coming from you... The last time she saw you, you had pink hair."

        "That was fucking amazing hair." Micheal defended himself.

        "But Luke and Michael are right. Your little sister really has changed." Ash put in.

        "She is NOT my little sister." Calum barked quickly. I heard short laughter, and someone said something I didn't hear. "That's gross." He added.

        I heard loud laughter, then Luke spoke up. "Why is it gross?" He paused than continued. "Oh.. I know. You like her, and she can't be your sister, otherwise that would be gross. I gotcha. I gotcha."

        "I don't like her."

        "Fine bro." Was all Luke had to say. They changed the subject, and I stop listening, my heart beating quickly.

       That was ridiculous, Calum was right. He didn't like me. I didn't like him. What you talking about? Crazy. Ridiculous.

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