Chapter 9- I AM A PRUNE.

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 I didn't really think I would  have anything to wear, but I after a lot of searching and an asprin, but I decided on my grey letterman's jacket with black faux leather sleeves, over a random shirt I found in my closet. I was pretty sure I bought when Jade took me shopping and told me I needed to get something 'girly'. It was a lacy dark reddish burgundy crop tank top. I also put on my 'girliest' jeans, a pair of black high-rise jeggings, and my converse. I looked at myself in the long mirror that hung on the back of the door.

        I didn't exactly look like a stunner, but I guess I looked alright. I combed through my hair, and teased it slightly. The only good thing about how I looked; My hair looked pretty much fine with its waves. One thing about the shirt I wore, was that you could see a bit of my stomach and it just showed how pale I was. I looked at myself and then realized something was missing. Makeup. I sighed and put on eyeliner, and mascara. I wasn't going to screw around with face-makeup. I'd lost most of my acne, now that I was older, and the only thing I had to worry about was the dark circles that went under my eyes from lack of sleep. But I seriously doubted anyone would be looking at my under eyes. I sighed and walked out of my room, across the hall, and into the living room, where they were waiting for me.

        "Loose the jacket." Was Luke's first advice.

        I blushed. "Why?"

        "Because. Do you really have to ask?" He laughed.

        I rolled my eyes. "I'm keeping the jacket."

        Ashton piped in. "I actually agree, you look really good either way, but the jacket looks a little out place. And the people at the club are a lot less likely to let someone in who's wearing a Letterman's."

        "Hold on, you guys said a party. You didn't say anything about no CLUB." Going into a party, watching them drink, and probably ending up driving them home when they were too drunk to drive. NOT sneaking into a club. That would NOT end well.

        "Did we say party?" Calum asked, winking at Luke. "I think we just said 'going out'"

        "You definitely said PARTY. I am NOT sneaking into some club. You CRAZY?" I threw my hands in the ear.

        "No. And you are coming. It'll be fine." Luke comforted.

        Mikey piped in; "I did it before I was 18. It's really not difficult."

        "Are you going to say that when I'm in JAIL?" I

        "Technically since you're the only minor here, we'd be in jail."

        "I don't want to hear it. I'll get in trouble, and our whole future will suck. Besides, you all will probably get mobbed."

        "Its a club. Most of the people there have some common sense. That, or they'll be too drunk to recognize us. Now come on, we have to leave before mom and Max get back. Speaking of mom, hold on." Calum ended quickly. He walked into dad and Jade's room, and came out holding a pair of her hoop earrings.

        "I'm not going to STEAL her earrings!"

        "It isn't stealing, its borrowing without permission. Look, quit all the arguing, just put in the damn earrings."

        "Fine." I snatched them out of his hand, and walked over to the mirror that hung over one of the shelves. I put them in, took off my jacket and walked back over. "Whatever. Let's just go before I realize how STUPID this is, and reconsider."

        "Great. And by the way, without the jacket? Perfect 10." Calum winked at me, and I couldn't help sheepishly playing with my hair. I was displaying more skin than I had in a very long time, but for some reason it sort of made me feel confident.

Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- Calum HoodWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu