Chapter 18- My Idea Of A Romantic Gesture

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        "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME." My father's voice was loud and angry. I winced as I looked at my toes. "YOU'VE DEFORMED YOUR FACE."

        I'd gotten away with the lip piercing for the day. I'd woken up early, and got out of the house before Jade could see me, and all day at school, I'd been safe. But when I'd gotten home, my father had taken one long look at me and started yelling. He was freaking out about it for about an hour now. The 'discussion' we were having was pretty one sided.

        "Without permission. How the hell did you expect to get away this?" He paused, as if he actually wanted an answer.

        "I didn't expect to. I.. I just wanted it."

        He laughed, and rubbed his face with hands. "Because that's a great reason to do things." He said sarcastically. "Raven, what has gotten into you?"

       I was really tempted to say; "Literally Calum." But I didn't. I didn't respond. It made me mad, because I'd started making decisions for myself and I got in trouble. "I wanted a lip piercing, and I knew that you wouldn't let me get one."

        "You're damn right. There isn't a way I can stop you, but I'm disappointed in you. What happens when you want a job?"

        "Some employers aren't discriminatory assholes." I blurted, annoyed.

        He paused, then laughed for a few seconds. Genuinely laughed. "Most employers are, though. Like I said I can't stop you now, you already got it. But god... have a little thought next time."

        "Okay." I said quietly. I was just surprised he wasn't punishing me for life.


        "SO what'd he say?" Calum asked, swerving around a corner. It was the day after, and I was explaining my dad's reaction to him.        

        "Oh just that I was making stupid teenager decisions and I'd disfigured my face and I would never be as beautiful again." I rolled my eyes.

        He snorted, and exhaled as he rolled his eyes. "Well, for what its worth, Rave, I think you look absolutely amazing with it."

        "I know you like it, and I love it, so I really don't care what anyone else thinks." I admitted. "So where are you taking me, anyway?"

        The corners of his mouth twitched. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."       

        I gave my best annoyed look. "God, I hate it when people say that."

        "Don't worry, you'll like it."

        "Wow, I feel so comforted now."

        "Could you BE more sarcastic?" 

        "Probably." I shrugged. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, and began to take pictures of the roads.

        "What the hell are you doing?" Calum asked, confused.

        "I'm taking pictures of the street names, so if you kidnap me, they'll know how to find me." I joked, winking at him.        

        "I'm not going to kidnap you. You'd think after knowing me for 5 years, you'd be able to trust me."

        "The world could've changed you." I pointed out.

        He didn't respond, just laughed. "Wow. Next time I won't take you to my super secret lair."

        "And I'm sure that I'll be heart broke." I said sarcastically

        His expression was one of faked ultimate hurt. I couldn't help but keel over laughter. "You're such a drama queen, Calum."

        "I am hurt."  His tone was identical to my own sarcastic tone.

        Our drive seemed eternal. When he pulled to a stop, we were out in the middle of no-where shopping plaza, with four stores. A McDonalds, a old mattress warehouse, a laundromat, and then, the reason that Calum had dragged me out here. Marlee's. It was a large warehouse, and I could see through the windows that it was a books and records store.

        A huge smile spread over my face. I hated chain bookstores, and old, used, independent bookstores were my kryptonite. I unbuckled my seat-belt, leaning over and kissed him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "How did you find this place?" I asked with a smile.

        "I have my ways." He winked, kissing my hair. "Glad you like it, love."

        I squeezed him into my hug again, and then pulled away, and got out of the car. Calum and I walked across the parking lot, and into the bookstore. I breathed in the scent of books, along with a slight smell of vanilla. The shelves almost reached the ceiling, which was a hugely tall ceiling.  Every shelf was stuffed to the brim, with books varying from Inkheart to dictionaries, cheap romances to The Theif Lord. It was my haven. I walked along the shelves, looking at the titles.

        "Calum, this is so sweet, but I feel bad for you. You're going to have to tie me up before getting me out of here." I turned to him, laughing, as if it was joke, though it wasn't.

        "Don't worry, babe. I got a phone. Just get and read whatever you want."

        I shot a smile at him, then continued to look at the books. I spent at least two hours taking books out, reading parts of them, and tucking them underneath the other arm. After awhile, my arm started to hurt. I looked at the stack I was holding. Seven books. I was pretty happy with how good I was at putting back books, even though I wanted them.

        Calum looked at me, amused, and rose his eyebrows. "Seven? Really?"

        "I know, I know. I'll have to put a few back, though. I can't afford all of these."

        "Doesn't matter, I can, and I'm paying." Calum ignored my protests, picked up the stack, and walked it straight over the register. He slapped down his card, and payed for it.

        I was rather embarrassed by it. Not because I didn't want him to buy me books, but because I never wanted to be that girl who made her boyfriend buy her shit.

        "Calum.. You didn't have to do that."

        "I know. I did it because I wanted to, and you should know this line by now."

        "Well... Thank you. It means a lot, you little turd."

        "Sure." He put his arm around me as we slowly walked back to the car.


Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- Calum HoodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat