Chapter 16- Waiting

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        I lived in fear for a week. I threw up often, I was tired, and I felt myself wanting pickles. I was terrified. I realized I could just get a test, but I was too scared. Because if it came up positive, it was all over for me. Calum and I didn't talk much. We still spent time with each other, but we were both too scared and anxious to actually time talking. Most of our conversations went like this;

        "Did you get your period yet?" He'd asked, his face hopeful.

        I would shake my head and look at the floor as I answered; "No. Not yet."

        He would bury his face in his hands, then respond with; "It doesn't matter. You aren't pregnant."

        And I would stare at my toes as I softly responded; "But what if I am?"

      I'm pretty sure that  my dad and Jade both noticed that we were both acting guilty and scared, but they chose not to say anything. Which I was grateful for. 

        After four days of living in fear, I realized that I was coming down with the flu. My limbs ached, and I was extremely tired. But I was also scared that I was pregnant on top of it. I stayed home for the rest of the week, and was bed ridden. Since dad and Jade were both at work all day, Calum took care of me, putting in movies, bringing me my books, getting me food and drink and medicine. He was so attentive, it touched me. I wouldn't even let him kiss me though. I didn't want him to get sick.

Every time I got up, I would be excited, and Calum would anxiously watch me go into the bathroom. The second I would come out, he would perk up, and tilt his head to ask me if it had happened. Each time, I would shake my head, and lay back down on the couch.

        The one night, after Jade and dad had gone to bed, Calum came into my room, and sat on my bed. I was reading, and as soon as he came in and closed the door, I pushed myself into a sitting position, and put down my book.

        "Raven. I know you don't want to... But I think you should take a test tomorrow. We can't keep not knowing. And if you are.. Then you need.. To take care of it." He was obviously talking about me being pregnant.

        I nodded, my lips pressed together. "I get it. I'll take one tomorrow. You'll have to drive and get me one, and I'll take it." I didn't want to, but he was right. If I was we needed to know now.

        "Okay. Goodnight." He leaned over and kissed my cheek before I could stop him.

        "Night." I said, but stood. "I'm going to go pee." I walked to the bathroom, and shut the door. At that point, I had excepted it. I was pregnant. I pulled down my pants, to go, and for the only time in my life, I was extremely happy to see blood on my underwear. Not just spotting blood. I double fist-ed despite my headache and nausea. Quickly grabbing a tampon, I put it in and washed my hands before running as fast as my flu-ridden legs could carry me out of the bathroom. I flung open Calum's door. He was getting undressed.

         I jumped on his back, a huge grin on my face. He jolted in surprise,but managed to hold me up. "CALUM. I got it."

        It took a second for him to register what I was saying and he gently removed me from his back. "Babe." He turned to face me, smile huge. "Seriously?"

        I threw my arms around his neck in a hug. I was breathing fast, but it was just of relief. A week of worrying and stress was enough for me. I was just glad that my heart rate could finally slow down.

        "I'm so glad.... But I think you'll agree with me that... We shouldn't have sex for right now." He said, releasing his hug on me.

        I nodded. "I lo- really like you, but I agree, we... Should hold off for now. Until we're both ready again." I wasn't ready, I realized that now. I really liked him, but that didn't really matter when it came to sex.

        "Yeah. Same. Agree." He kissed me quickly.

        I smiled and retreated. "Night."

        I went back into my room, and for the first time that week, fell asleep peacefully and quickly.

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