Chapter 4- The Pristine Beaches

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        "Did you remember the sunscreen?" Jade asked, smiling warmly as dad searched for a parking spot on the crowded beach.

        "Did you grab it, Raven?" My dad asked, voice still sounded pissed off about the fight we'd had the other day.

        "Yeah." I said, still grumpy from Thursday's fight. They had ended up dragging me to the beach, and I really wasn't too happy about it. I sat in the back, listening to music on my old ipod nano, since I still hadn't been given my phone back. I was pretty mad about that. It was the phone I payed for that they'd taken. I couldn't watch youtube or go on twitter, or instagram, or vine, or facebook, or tumblr, or snapchat, or facebook. So basically my whole identity had been taken from me, and that, quite honestly, annoyed the shit out of me.

        Calum was flaunting the fact that he had his phone, and annoying the crap out of me. He would stretch his arms and 'accidentally' wave his phone before my eyes. He'd laugh extra hard, and then when I asked why, he'd chortle ; "My phone."

         I tried to ignore everyone and focus on the fact that I could read in peace for a whole afternoon. I had brought myself a folding beach chair, Inkheart, and a can of Arizona tea. The perfect day in three things.

        "You know, we are going to the beach." Calum said suddenly to me, turning to face me and looking at me intently.

        "What do you mean?" I asked. "I know that, I'm not a potato head."

        "You're wearing a hoodie, long jeans, a beanie, and combat boots." He pointed out. It was true. I was pretty bundled. But in my defense, I had pale skin that I treasured. Unlike most of my classmates, I actually really liked pale skin. It singled me out, which I really didn't mind.

        "I have a bathing suit underneath it." I said defensively. I did, sure, but I had no plans to actually get anywhere near the water. I would probably steal Calum's phone, take a picture and instagram it, and brag about the day at the beach.

        "Yeah, under the burka?" He said sarcastically.

        "Oh shut up. I'll wear what I want to the beach. Don't be a wardrobe nazi."

        "I'll do what I want." He mocked, sticking out his tongue.

        "You are so annoying. Jump out of this car."

        "Why don't you?"

        "Because I don't want to risk looking like you after jumping out of a moving car." I hissed, shooting him a dirty look.

        "How do you think I feel?" He retorted, tapping his hand on the carseat. "Maybe I don't want to have to spend days in the hospital and get as washed out and pale as you."

        "Will you two EVER stop arguing?" Jade called back to us. She was wearing the large sunglasses that I so often saw her wear. They went well with her her long, wavy bottle-blonde light hair. Her hair was naturally a light brown, but it looked good died. She was very pretty, admittedly. She had brown eyes, naturally bronzed skin, and she was tall and slim, because she'd never had a kid. That really did help. She was the typical Aussie hottie, except she had an abundance of freckles. Adorable, Emma Watson style freckles.

        "Not until he learns to stop stealing my books." I said at the same time as he said; "Not until she learns to live a little."

        "We get it. You two are very different. Just try to get along. One day, that is ALL your father and I ask." She said it like she was asking us to get her a glas of milk. She acted like it was 'EASY' to get along with your mortal enemy.

Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- Calum HoodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя