Chapter 19- The Great Reunion

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        Somehow, Calum and I convinced my dad to let me go with him to visit Ashton's house. The rest of the boys were coming, and I was excited as hell. I would get to meet Ashton's family, which judging by how awesome he was, would be pretty cool, and I would get to NOT be harrassed about my lip peircing for an entire week.  I would get to do whatever I wanted, and for an ENTIRE week, Calum didn't have to hide... us.

        I was packing one night, when Jade came into my room, and sat on my bed and watched me fold my jeans and sweatpants, and stack them into my suitcase.

        "What?" I asked. Not in a rude way, I just didn't like pussy-footing around with her. I knew she had come in with a very specific purpose.

        "Well.. I just want to talk to you about this trip." She sounded very motherly. I hated when she had those moments.


        "I just... I'm not stupid, Raven. I know you.. I know you like of the boys. And.. I just.. You may not understand this now, but it would be very.. Unwise for you to date one of Calum's best friends."

        God, was she off. I laughed, and then looked at her. "No, I don't like any of them. You don't need to worrry. They're just the only friends that I really have now. And I want to see them again."        

        She didn't look convinced. "Well... Alright. But on a totally different note, I happen to love your lip peircing. Just don't tell your dad." She laughed, standing.

        "Thanks. I like a lot."

        "Do you need any help packing?" She offered, spreading her arms.

        "Nah, thanks, I'm good."

        "Great." She walked out of my room, and I watched her go. She did suspect something.. But luckily, she was very off. Hilariously off. 


        We had to leave early in the morning, so we would have maximum time at Ashton's. I wasn't to happy with the early leaving arrangement, but I agreed to it. I made Calum stop for tea and donuts for me. The drive was about five hours, and I wasn't a car trip person, so I could antsy within about an hour.         

        "Are we THERE yet?" I asked Calum, bouncing slightly. It was mostly the caffeine in the tea, and the excited energy that made me so bouncy.

        "No, babe, we aren't there yet." He laughed, patting my arm gently.

        Pouting my lip slightly, I punched on the radio, and pouring the speakers came; "....Looks so perfect standing there..."  I had to laugh at Calum's awkward smile.

        "Its always awkward when I listen to my own music." He cringed.

        "It sounds great." I encouraged.
        "If I knew you werent just saying that, I would be flattered."

        "Just because I'm your girlfriend, that means that my opinons about you are invalid?"

        "You got it, Raven." He winked.

        "Well, I for one, am greatly offended. I won't be speaking to the likes of YOU anymore."

        Rolling his eyes, he pulled his shades over his eyes. "You are so weird, babe."

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