There Was This Other Guy (AU)

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decided to make this AU (Alternative Universe) since i changed daniel's personality for this, daniel and corbyn aren't in a band, they just know each other and that's probably everything that you need to know for this imagine :) also! i always listen to this audio on video edits so it was definitely inspired by that, hope you enjoy it :)

"There was this one guy. Smart, loyal... and, he was also... well, you know, unique. Just trust me on this one. We're not compatible." y/n looked down at her hands, every single memory of him flood into her mind.

Katelyn sighed loudly trying to figure out what was going inside her best friends mind as if in this very exact moment everything was happening. "Now, you said one guy. Am I to assume there are more?"

The once broken girl took a deep breath, trying to understand as she told her best friend. "There was... this other guy,"

Y/n's POV:
I sighed loudly, not comprehending a single thing that I was feeling, everything just seemed to be so confusing. Who would have ever thought that I could like two guys at the same time?

You know, everything started back when I first met him...the one and only Daniel Seavey, somehow we were both heartbroken and as they say, when two broken hearts meet, a loyal story begins, but this time this wasn't the case...this time two broken hearts met and tore each other apart.

Every moment with him seemed so magical, as if it was only the two of us in this world, and trust me he seemed so perfect and so good for me but turns out I wasn't what he was searching for, turns out that he started using me as an escape from who he was really thinking of.

He still missed her, he was still looking forward to that girl, the girl that left him broken, the girl who had him wrapped around her finger.

"I am just so happy that I met you, you made me the someone who I wanted to be, you healed me and I want to thank you for that," I felt my cheeks heating up as those words were pronounced by his soft lips.

"Thank you as well, for making me feel better about myself, for being there when I felt so alone," I smiled as he leaned in, our lips now crashing onto each others, everything about this moment was special.

I thought that he was the one who made me happy the one who will make me happy but he wasn't. And with that he left once again, to get wasted and to forget about me, just to be with other girls.

That exact same day I met Corbyn and as bad as I sound I promise that nothing happened, I was just so sure about Daniel that Corbyn never crossed my mind like that. I do think that he was and is really attractive but other than that my heart was going towards Daniel, and I was so happy with myself, I gave love a chance after everything that had once happened.

Days passed by and Daniel stopped talking to me, he found someone else, someone better I guess, and as those days passed by, me and Corbyn got close, and let me tell you that he had one of the most beautiful souls I had ever met, he cared about me, he truly did. Later on, I found myself getting ready for a date with Corbyn, and Daniel wasn't very happy about it.

"You can not be doing this to me right now!" Daniel exclaimed loudly as he somehow barged into my room.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I can't believe you, how are you doing this to me? are you really going to that date? What happened to us?" he asked rapidly as if he cared about my feelings, as if he cared about us.

"What?! are you really asking me this when you where the one who decided to go with I don't know who, cause she was better?" I asked clearly annoyed by his words.

"Y/'s not like that, she needed me, she needed me to be there for her,"

"Daniel you were there for her, but you didn't care about me, you just decided to leave me out of nowhere, and the second that I go to a date you get all mad because I 'destroyed us'?"

"Come on y/n I healed you, I made you a better person aren't you grateful for that?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words.

"I thought you were healing me but no, you broke me even more,"

Corbyn and I did great, a date became a couple more, and I started falling for him, and could you blame me? he was just so pure and amazing.

He made me happy.

"Can you believe the fact that she's actually asking if someone is there? Like of course,  there's definitely someone there," he asked concerned for this girl in the movie, making me laugh.

"Would it even be an actual scary movie if she didn't ask though?"

"You are right...but why would they do that? I mean in fact its actually kinda dumb," he chuckled.

Minutes passed by and we were still watching this movie, every scene made me more intrigued, my eyes not leaving the t.v screen.

"You are so beautiful, do you know that?" Corbyn's voice made me look at him, his eyes full of peace and a huge smile plastered on his face. I blushed at his words and he smiled.

"But really you truly are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

And then, there's just this.

His green eyes looked at me softening as they met mine, he started to mouth the lyrics to the song in the background of the store. He suddenly took the clothes that I had in hand and placed them beside us.

He carefully grabbed my hand and placed it with his, pulling me closer to him, his other hand was now placed around my waist.

He was now singing softly in my ear our bodies following the music, just us two in this wonderful world.

And now I'm here, sitting right beside the person who I grew up with.

"There was this one guy. Smart, loyal... and, he was also... well, you know, unique. Just trust me on this one. We're not compatible." y/n looked down at her hands, every single memory of him flood into her mind.

Katelyn sighed loudly trying to figure out what was going inside her best friends mind as if in this very exact moment everything was happening. "Now, you said one guy. Am I to assume there are more?"

The once broken girl took a deep breath, trying to understand as she told her best friend. "There was... this other guy," I smiled as Corbyn came into my mind.

I explained every detail to the girl in front of me, who was so interested in my love life, the girl who I call my best friend.

"I am so happy that you stayed with Corbyn," She smiled proudly at me.

"He makes me happy,"

Corbyn Besson ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang