Best Years

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A/N: this was inspired since 5sos released an acoustic version for this song, and it totally had me in tears so here i am writing this lol, also! a really short one once again, really been trying to make them longer but it feels like they need to be short and cute hahaha, hope you enjoy it!
Aaand random thought, i really want to create an instagram for poetry where i could genuinely post my own, you don't need to follow it hahaha but could you  share some thoughts on it?

Corbyn's POV
"Look up at me," Her eyes locked up with mine for a couple of seconds, I was able to see fear, and how they were desperately looking for help, but I knew her, and she won't admit it anytime soon. She didn't want to bother me with her problems but I wanted to help.

My hands made her way to her cheeks, brushing away any tear that came out of her eyes.

"It will be okay, darling. I'm here," I gently smiled and pulled her closer to me, I needed her to know that I am here.

I wanted to give back for everything that she did to me, to make up for everything that I once did, and for all those tears that I caused. I wanted her to be okay.

"You got a million years to hesitate but darling, the future is better than yesterday," She smiled to me, a genuine smile this time, reminding me of how much I love her.

I had given her a million reasons to leave, but yet she never did, she always took every broken piece of me and somehow put it all together again.


I couldn't stop admiring her, her beauty, her smile, her soul, everything about her was perfect.

"I want to give you the best years," She lifts up her head that was resting on my chest and smiles.

"I'll give you the best years, I promise you won't regret it," I smiled and kissed her forehead, making me feel home, cause she was my home.

She snuggles closer to me and whispers.

"You already gave me the best years I could ever have experienced," And of course she smiled. She snuggled closer to my chest once again. My late-night thoughts winning over me once again.

"I wanna be there to hold your hand when you are too drunk and carry you home when you can not stand up. I wanna be the man who wakes up next to you, the man who works hard for you,"

She lifts her head once again and pulls me closer, our lips meeting once again on this lovely night. She was happy and that made me happy. She makes me who I am, and that is what makes her and I us.

Corbyn Besson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now