I Will Fight For You

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A/N: here's a really short one but hope you like it :)


"I will fight for you. I'm not giving up that easil-"

"no, not yet" And delicately he grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his own.


"Why are your hands sooo small" Corbyn chuckled loudly making me smile.

It was 3am and we were in the middle of nowhere, both sharing whatever came to mind because honestly, it was just the little things...and it was also him.

"Why are your hands sooo big?" I mimicked, making him chuckle.

He stopped for a second, his eyes focused on my hands, his eyes only expressing love and appreciation.

"Isn't it amazing? almost every line on our hands align,"

I looked at his eyes and smiled, I truly was lucky.


"It's just weird I guess..."  I confessed.

"It's hard to let someone go when you have been holding onto them for so long...I'll just miss you" I smiled weakly, not daring to look once at his eyes.

"And I mean, I know that you are living your dream b-"

"I love you, okay? I'll always do." and yes, I wanted to say it back but I wasn't able to do so without tearing up, so I just nodded, knowing that he meant everything that came out of his lips.

"And it'll be alright, we'll make it to the other side like we always do," and seconds later I was wrapped around his arms, my head pressed against his chest feeling safe...once again.


"Oh come on" I whined as Corbyn skipped my current favorite song.

He laughed and played it for me making me sing annoyingly the song to him.

"I'M STILL THE ONLY ONE WHO'S BEEN IN LOVE WITH ME" I practically sang the lyrics out of my lungs, hoping this moment would never end.


And a couple of minutes later the song was over, his eyes softened as he glanced at me making my heartbeat stop.

"You truly are amazing aren't you?"

My cheeks were now a full-on tone of red, he knew what he did to me, he knew how he made me feel, he knew that he could break my heart in a matter of seconds and I knew it too but I just stepped right in.

And just like that, we said our last goodbyes, but who would've known that this would be the last time?

I closed my eyes, tears and fear were running down my face, it felt as if I could overflow an ocean with all my tears.

Corbyn Besson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now