Feelings Never Change Pt.1

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September 31st 2014

You know that feeling when you know that your feelings are real but you are just too afraid to say a word about it?
That feeling that you know he can make a good difference in your life but you know things will mess up between the both of you.

He walked inside the room once more. I will admit that I was afraid that at some point he will forget about me. That I will not be relevant in his life anymore.

I will tell you about us a little more...

He has been my crush for a while now. Nobody knew about it though, not even the closest people in my life. Until some weeks ago that I told them.  I thought that it was the right time to talk about it.

His name is Corbyn, he is unique if I'm being honest. He is someone that I know that I can trust with anything. His personality is one of a kind,  goofy, funny, he is just different from the others. I will let you know that I kind of have a feeling that he has a crush on me too. There are just moments when he does small cute little things that make my heart flutter. He will come and sit next to me, he would rest his elbow in the table that's in front of him, his chin following his actions, then he would just start to stare at me.

"Why are you staring?" I asked him.

"Why do you ask? Don't I have the chance to look at someone as beautiful as you?" He would confidently respond.

I would blush really hard. Later on, it would come to a staring contest. It was easy for me though, I would just get lost into his blue eyes and smile shyly.  He would just laugh and smile.

Or those moments when he would just tell me that I'm beautiful. I wasn't as confident as people thought that I was, he was the only one that knew the reason behind me not being confident.  I'm sure that he knew that those two words could make me feel better.

I know you are probably wondering why I'm telling you all this, and it's all because of what happened today... Everything started before the talent show. Corbyn was about to sing, but his nerves were taking all over him that he couldn't do it.  He came to me for help.

"Y/n I can't do this. There are lots of people out there. What if I forget the lyrics, or even worse what if I play the wrong song-?" Corbyn said. Tears forming in his eyes.

"You can do this Corbyn, you are one of the best singers that I know, okay? You will do amazing trust me" I said offering him a warm smile.

He hugged me as tight as he could. It felt right, I felt like everything will go right between him and I.                                                                                                                                            He whispered in my ear a "thank you" before letting me go. 

My feelings for him were back, and there wasn't something that I could do to stop it. I just wish I'll never loose him...

A/N: Part 2 coming soon!

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