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Cole's POV.

I woke up on a soft surface.

I immediately sat up from my own bed, and looked around the room.

Nya was there, asleep on my desk chair. I stood and walked out of the room.

I couldn't remember a thing, what happened?

I walk into the living room.

I could see Kai and Lloyd curled up on the couch.

They looked adorable together.

I then turn my head to the dining room and see Jay.

Jay was laying on the table unconscious, and Zane was asleep on a chair nearby.

I slowly walk to Jay's side as I see all of his injuries.

A blue cast on his entire left leg, a sling on his right arm, and many cuts and bruises all over the rest of his body.

I hold his hand, and stare at his weak shape.

Please get better......... I can't live without you.

I look around for a clock, or anyone's phone.

I grab Kai's phone from the couch and see the time.

11: 47 at night.

I sigh and sit next to Jay with his scars.

If he lives, should I tell him?

What would happen?

What would he say?

What would he think?

What would I do?

I want to tell him, but I'm scared.

My thoughts all drown me as I fall asleep.

"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now