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Jay sat up in his bed, and looked over to Cole. He was sleeping so softly, and then he sat up and saw Jay looking at him.


"uh- h-hi.......?" Jay replied to him, unsure of what to think.

Cole stood up and walked over to Jay, he pulled up Jay from his bed and then spoke;

"I know your secret........" Cole said.

"y-y-you do?!" Jay stuttered out his words.

"Yes~ Jay. I know your feelings for me.

And I only one thought," He grabbed Jay by the hair and Jay flinched.

"I think its~ DISGUSTING." Cole grabbed Jay's neck and held him in the air.

Jay was choking now, his vision blurring a little.

"You are; Disgusting, Weak! A pathetic part of the team! You don't deserve anything or anyone in this life!"

Cole's body began to change.
It wasn't Cole, it was Max Durin.
Jay's old bully.

"S-Stop! C-Cole! M-m-Max! N-No!" Jay couldn't see clear anymore, his vision almost gone.

He couldn't breathe anymore. He closed his eyes and darkness fell, and then, Silence.

Tiny Jay was floating in the dark abyss, unable to move his limbs.

What is this place?

Am I dead?

Where's Cole?





Where did everyone go?


Jay thought, he tried to yell but he couldn't even open his mouth.

Jay woke up crying, with all the others by his side.

"Jay, are you okay?" He heard Zane.
Immediately without thinking, Jay grabbed Cole's waist and hugged the bigger body tightly, sobbing.

Cole looked at Jay, then to his teammates.


This is kinda short, I'm so sorry!!
Hopefully you won't hate.......

Though I hope you enjoyed!
Have a good day!

The next one is the exact same thing as what you read here, just in a different point of view.


"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now