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"JAY!!" He could hear the loud scream of Cole waking him up.

"TIME TO TRAIN!" as he sat up he slapped Cole,
"Dude, you don't have to yell! I'm a light sleeper!" Cole walked away laughing.

He shared a room with Cole.
Nya shared a room with Kai, her brother.
While Zane shared with Lloyd.

Jay stood and stretched, he grabbed his light blue gi from the dresser and changed. Knowing Cole, he was probably eating his morning cake.

As Jay walked into the kitchen he saw everyone eating Cole's cake, except Cole.

"Hey, aren't we supposed to be training?" Jay asked the others, they all got up quickly and tried to hide the cake. It made Jay laugh.

"Well, you thought I was Cole didn't you?" Jay says while giggling.

The others squeezed past Jay, wiping off the chocolate frosting from their lips.

In he training area outside, Kai went straight to the moving obstacles with Zane and Lloyd went to the archery with Nya.

Jay walked over to the sparing area and started punching a dummy, he didn't notice that an entire hour went by of him killing a fake person.

The others sat on the steps of the entrance and watched how long it would take Jay to realize training was over.

I don't like training, why train? I know why we train, but I don't want to train! You know, if I wasn't a ninja I would be watching TV or playing video games with my friends!

As Jay stopped, a tear fell from his eye. Causing Lloyd to walk to him.

"Jay, you okay?" He asked.

If I weren't a ninja, I wouldn't have friends. That boy would still try to hurt me.

He started to kill the dummy in anger, Lloyd stumbled back as Jay screamed and shocked the dummy to ashes.

"AHH!" Jay yelled, he didn't want to yell but he did.
He stepped back, he saw what he did to the dummy.

"Oh my- wha-what?" Jay was puzzled.

"Jay! Seriously?! You destroyed another dummy!" Nya yelled.

"I-Im sorry......." He apologized and then the alarm sounded.

They all ran to the control room, when they were ready Zane explained the problem.

"There's a burglar stealing a precious jewel from the History Museum. He's on Charleston Street. Everyone be cautious of your surroundings, he isn't a newbie when it comes to crime." He explains.

"Got any other info?" Nya asked.

"I have his crime name, but not his real one, MD." Zane answered, the ninja all ran out to catch him.

As they were running, Jay saw a glow and stopped. The others didn't see him stop and continued to leave him behind.

What the?

Jay walked toward the glowing blue light in an Alley of the city.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a figure move.

He turned to look at it, it was gone.

He paused and looked at the light, it was the missing jewel that was stolen not even ten minutes ago.

He picked it up and took it, leaving the dark and creepy alley and running into his friends who had ran back to find him.

"AH!" Jay was relieved to see his friends and not the thief.

"My god..........you scared me!" Jay called out to them, scrambling to stand up from the ground.

"We scared you? You weren't even with u- is that the jewel?!" Kai stopped and stared at what Jay was holding. Jay looked at his hands.

"uh, yeah? I found it in the alley right here.......it was glowing......." He answered.

"Jay, you don't just leave and pick up a glowing gem. Who knows, it could've been cursed!" Lloyd sighed and threw his arms in the air.

"I thought you couldn't be cursed more than once...........right? That's what I learned........" Jay retorted, making the others stare at him in disbelief.

"You've been cursed before?!" Cole yelled, asking him a question.

"uh.........yeah? It's not that big of a deal........." He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

As he sighs, he starts to speak;
"Jay, let's just take the gem back. Then we'll go home and sleep, got it?" Zane asked.

Jay nodded and they all followed him, placing the enormous jewel back on it's throne, the ninja headed home.

He lied in his bed, and Cole lied in his. Jay shuffled around and ended up staring into Cole's eyes across the room, as Cole was staring into his.

Cole blushed and closed his eyes, then lying on his back. Jay decided to close his eyes, and sleep.


"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now