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Zane's POV.

"What do you mean; You can't tell us?" I ask Cole.

He sighs. Then looks at Jay with a worried and sad look.

He turns his to me and says; "I promised Jay I would never tell anyone about Max."

He looked in each one of ours eyes and spoke slowly; "Anyone."

I worried for Jay. I put my hand on his forehead and cooled him down, his eyes opened slightly.

"Jay? Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes widened and he sat up, and gave Cole a tight hug, then began to sob.

Cole then stared at Jay, then to us.

Jay's POV.

"Jay, are you okay?" I could hear Zane's voice.

I didn't know what I did next, but I felt the warmth of someone's body.

They were so warm, I then realized what I did.

I hugged Cole and started crying.

After what seemed like hours, I let go and my head dropped down.

My eyes we're open now, but my hair covered them.

Tears slowly ran down my cheeks, my breath shaky and heavy.

I head then started to pound. Hard.
I didn't mean to yell, but I did. As I yelled my hands met my head. My eyes closed, my head hurt. I couldn't really breath well.
I could feel hands on my shoulders and I could hear muffled screaming.
There was a loud ring in my ears, it blocked out the noises from outside.
I could only hear two things, a loud ring and a whisper. The whisper wasn't muffled, the voices from outside were.


It's nice, isn't it?

The pain!

Love it.

Feel it.

My heart stopped, only for a second.

I could see pitch black, there wasn't a single sound.

It was entirely quiet.

I could feel my heart pumping.

I tried to open my eyes, I did.

What I saw, was a blur of green, black, red, white and blue.

I groaned, my head hurt so much.

"Jay? Are you okay?!" Zane asked.

Everything went back to normal when I could hear and see Zane's fingers snapping in front of my face.

The ringing was gone, my head pain went away, and I could breath normally now.

"huh? W-What?" I asked.

"Jay, you passed out. Please tell me how you feel, I need to know." Zane asked, he had a clipboard and a pen.

"I'm fine........ It's all gone." I said.

Zane then looked at me with a worried face.

"are you sure?" He asked me.

"Very sure." I told him.

I could see everyone staring at me worriedly, then each one walked out slowly.

"Do you want to train, or rest for today?" Zane asked me.

"I want to train." I said, sitting up and throwing my legs off my bed. I didn't even notice I was in my room until now.

I followed Zane to the outside training area.

I saw Lloyd and Kai flirting with each other as they practiced their aim with far obstacles.

Nya and Zane were doing close combat skill.

And Cole was lifting weights.
I decided I would practice my paralysis.

I walk to an area where there's a realistic dummy, if I push the right spot of its body it will pass out.

Them only bad part; it will try to paralyze you as well.

I try to push it's neck spot, but the dummy gets me first.

I fall with my eyes closed, and I hit the ground with a thud.

Kai's POV.

"Good shot, bet I can do better." Lloyd said to me.

I put my hands to my hips, bent one leg and used the most girly voice I could; "As if!"

It made Lloyd laugh so hard, he had to hold his stomach.

I hear a small thud, I look around the area. I saw everyone except Jay.

"Lloyd, Jay isn't here." I say.

Lloyd looks around, then I go inside to look for him. When I came back, everyone was looking for Jay.

I spot a blue dot from the other side of the arena. I saw Jay's body lying on the ground, so I run over to him and call everyone.

"Kai, what happened?" Nya asked.

"He probably just lost to the paralyze bot........" I say, looking at the dummy before me and dragging Jay's small body to the stairs by the front door.

"That would be hilarious." Cole laughed a little.

"Let's just go train." I say, leaving the blue boy on the steps.

"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora