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Zane's POV.

I wake on the kitchen chair.

I look to the table and see a clear table.

Jay was no longer there, I stood and walked into the living room.

"Has anyone seen Jay?" I ask the figures in the room.

Once I process who all was in there, I realize that they were asleep.

Kai and Lloyd.

They were cuddled up together, Lloyds arms around Kai's chest, and Kai's head laying against the top of Lloyds head.

I sigh, then walk to the bedroom hallway.

I knock on Nya's door.

No answer.

I go to Cole's room.

Knock knock

No answer.

I finally go to Jay's door and peek in.

The sight I saw, it was hilarious.

Cole had pink bows in his hair, and had a ponytail instead of his normal dreadlock hair style, he was asleep and leaning against Jay's bedside.

Nya was laying on her stomach, asleep.

She was snoring loudly and had drool dripping from her mouth, she wore Cole's hoodie and shirt, while her pants were still on.

Finally, Jay.

He had no shirt, and his huge comfy pants on.

You could see his bruises from far away.

He was leaned against Cole's side, asleep and snoring the quietest little squeaks ever.

I smiled at the three.

Then Jay's alarm clock began to shriek with annoying sounds.

Jay woke up fast, screaming.

Then his face went red and he moved away from Cole.

Cole sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

Nya stood and walked past me, into her room.

"Did you have fun dressing up Cole?" I ask.

Jay laughs and stands.

Cole then shrieks and runs out.

I look to Jay, raising an eyebrow.
He tried to stop laughing, and tells me;

"Don't ask." He then sighs and goes to his closet.

It was my cue to leave, so I did.

When Jay moved away from Cole, was he blushing?

I can't really tell all the emotions yet, it's very hard seeing as I'm a robot er- nindroid.

I walk down the hallway and go into the kitchen.

I love to cook, and the others love my cooking, so I cook almost everyday.

Before I could start, the alarm went off.

I ran to the room where we check out the status or information of a crime.

The computer had a 3D figure of a man in a hoodie.

Description; tall, a bit chubby but not fat or skinny, in a dark hoodie with the hood covering his head.

Name; MD, thief.

The others ran in, I told them the information and we all ran off.

This time, instead of a jewel from the museum, it was the realm crystal.

"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin