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Jays POV.


I wake up, with pain in my lower abdomen.

As I sit up I see that I was on my bed, and had on a blue onesie.

What the hell happened last night?

I shuffle out of my room and into the living room.

I see five different people in the room, sitting and staring at me.

My vision is a little blurry, and I plop down next to a figure in black, closing my eyes.

"Jay, we wanted to ask you a few things." I heard a voice.

"Mhm......." I groan.

I hear a few scattered sighs, then a girls voice.

"Jay, we wanted to know; why did max say you're wish was to die? He said it eight before you fell into the water."

I crack my eyes open.


"You heard, why did he say what he said?" She asks again.

I stare at her.

I sigh and walk to my room, leaving the others.

As I walked out, I whispered.

"I'll tell you when I want to."

I closed the door to the room Cole and I shared.

I locked it and fell down crying.

They're gonna find out!

Stupid Jay!

Why did you have to live?!

Why are you alive?!

I began to hit my head in an effort to make the voices stop.

They didn't, and I pulled my knife from my dresser.

One cut.......

Then no more.

I scratches my arm with the blade.

The pain felt good.

I did it again.

And again.

I couldn't stop, blood flowed down to the floor as I started to feel numb.

I fell over onto my side and my hair now had blood soaking into it.


Just die


The voices won't stop!!

I can't take this!!!

I cry and cry, there was more blood than tears.

My entire onesie was now dark purple/red instead of blue.

I held my throat and zapped myself.


I wanna die!!




I unlock the door and stumble into the cell room with the knife.

"Jay? What the-"

I unlock his cell and walk in.

"Kill me! Please.....please!!" I beg him, dropping down and holding out the knife.

He stares, just standing there.

"Please......." I say, tears flowing down my face.

Next thing I know, I hear a scream.

"Hurt Bluebell" Ninjago Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now