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Jays POV.

I sat up slowly, and looked around.

There was a window, three walls, and a door to the left side of my bed.

A woman came in, she had a white coat and yellow frizzy hair.

"Morn'in Mr Walker! How are ya feel'in hun?" She held a clipboard and a pencil.

"I'm fine....." I say, but I'm not fine.

Max came back, he hurt me.


"Any pain or anything? Does it hurt to move?" She asked.

I held up my arm.

"I think I'm good." I say, I'm not good.

My friends aren't here, I miss them.

I miss Cole.

"Well, then you're cleared!" She said, pulling in a wheelchair.

"One more basic checkup and then if you're all good you can leave the hospital." She said, helping me sit in the chair of wheels.

We go to a room with a table, I sit on the table and another doctor walks in.

"Hello Mr..... Walker." He says after looking at a different clipboard.

"We're gonna check you're blood pressure, see if there's any pain anywhere, and if not you can go home!" He said, putting a big blow up bag on my arm.

A machine beeped, and he mumbled.

"Hmm, 123. That's fine." He said, hesitating.

He held my leg and squeezed tightly.

"Does that hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head, and he did that to my arms, legs and neck.

Then before I knew it I was on my way home!

I waited patiently in the waiting room, waiting for at least one person to appear.

I waited longer and longer.

It was three hours before the doctor walked up to me.

"Mr Walker, your friends are on their way." She said, then walked away.

After she left, I scoffed.

No ones coming, no one even cares.

I want to cut so bad, but I can't.

I just have to hold in my tears, hold in the anger, the fear, the pain.

I pull out a few wires from my pocket and fidget with them.

I make a small little box thing with wings.

My glider! Where's the glider?!

I became frantic.

I started hyperventilating.

Then I blacked out.

I woke up, and felt tired.

I fell asleep waiting.

I woke again to shaking.

"Jay! Wake up! We're going home!" Cole had woken me up.

I stood and followed him up some stairs.

Wait....... Why are we going up?

"Feel strong enough for a dragon, or wanna ride with me?" Cole asked.

Just me and Cole?


"I just woke up, can I ride with you?" I chuckled.

He did as well, then summoned his dragon on the roof

We flew away and landed in front of a small coffee shop.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

He smiles and gestures me in after him.

I shrug and walk in.

There was a seat by the window, we sat down.

"Pick something, my treat." He said.

I smile and look at all the drinks they had.

They had cappuccinos, espressos, lattes, and Earl Grey.

Wait, isn't the real grey in England?

Eh whatever.

I chose a small latte and he got an Earl Grey.

When the drinks came, we both took a sip and I could a small giggle.

I looked around and saw two guys.

Blonde and a brown haired guys.

The one with brown had a red Jacket and black pants.

The blonde had a green shirt, the shirt covered half his body.

They look kinda cute together, wish that was Cole and I.......

I looked to another booth to see a guy with white hair and a gray long sleeves shirt.

He was sitting next to a girl that looked like Cleopatra.

I shrug and look to Cole.

"So, did HE get away?" I ask.

Cole flinched at my question, but still answered.

"The others are keeping him in a cell at home." He says, taking another sip of his Early Grey.

He sighs, then our eyes meet.

"Jay, I need to tell you something." He took a deep breath, his face was sweaty and he had a red........was he blushing or mad?



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