"Impressive. You never cease to amaze me."

"Flattery will get you no where my dear Kabuto. Now tell me..."

"Did you carry out the mission?"

Kabuto's grin stretched out further, morphing into a demented smirk.

"Yes. It was successful. Thanks to being forced into a traumatic event, he has seemed to further evolve that killer instinct exhibited when he first faced the jaws of death during his battle with Kimmimaro. Although he still blacks out every time he snaps, so I doubt he remembers what he did to that poor boy from Iwagakure."

"Oh? Do tell." Orochimaru said, widening his eyes in a creepy manner, the snake like slits in them seemingly pulsing with interest.

"Well, he first cut into the boys abdomen, causing blood to gush out from his stomach, although it wasn't deep enough to reach his organs. He then tore the boys arms off, causing the boy to try and run for it. The sister tried to intervene, but she was pushed far from the action after being smacked away by Yuma's shadow. As the boy tried escaping, Yuma extended the shadow out to tear off the little brothers legs, and then proceeded to lop off his head."

Orochimaru licked his lips, a look of twisted pleasure forming on his pale face.

"It seems this encounter triggered something within him. Soon after this event, he killed an entire group of ninja from other villages who had vendetta's against the leaf. He butchered all of them without remorse. He almost reminded me of you, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto said, finishing his report with a sadistic smirk, pushing up his glasses with confidence.

"Ah~, yes! He is becoming everything I want him to be and more! My cute little Yuma...Mmmmm, I can't wait to mold your being even more, my sweet vessel..." Orochimaru practically cooed, looking absolutely perverse as he continued.

"And that's exactly what I shall do. I want him to be broken even more. Ku, ku, ku..."

Orochimaru turned away as the wind settled down and the trees ceased their swaying, causing the suns rays to vanish once more.

"Well I'm off my dear Kabuto. Thanks to that info I retrieved from that old fool, we can finally meet him at last...The person that will help us mold Yuma even further and give us an opportunity to slow down the Akatsuki's plans..."

"Yes Lord Orochimaru. I will continue to serve you until you have no more use for me." Kabuto said, bowing to Orochimaru as one would to a god.

"Things will be getting interesting in this village..." Orochimaru remarked, eyeing a tree with an amused expression.

His golden and slitted eyes pulsed, an aura of killers intent permeating the clearing causing to Kabuto shudder. A white spider-like being fell to the floor, before crawling off into the forest, a smile forming on the snakes face.

"Very interesting indeed..."






"YUMA, WAKE UP!" A voice suddenly screamed to the right of Yuma's ear, causing him to jump up in a fright, hitting his head against the stone wall behind him.

He glared up at the now sheepishly grinning Naruko, angry over having been awakened in such a rough manner. He rubbed the back of his now sore head, cursing beneath his breath, surveying his surroundings. He saw a large group of people standing in rows, and then noticed they were all Genin. Some of them looked at him weirdly, causing Yuma's awful mood to turn even more sour.

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