I cant believe you

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In leo and charlies hotel room

Charlies getting ready to go out clubbing with ana.

Leo:(is just on his phone)

Charlie: mate why don't you go out with me and ana clubbing?

Leo:(looks at charlie) nah no thanks bro (goes back to his phone)

Charlie:(rolls eyes) (rips the phone out of leos hand)

Leo: hey! Give me my phone back!

Charlie: no! Not until you agree to go out clubbing with me and ana!

Leo: (gets up off the bed) (gets really close to charlie ) no! (Tries to get his phone from Charlie but he won't budge) (he trips on something and charlie lands on top of him)

Charlie:(pins leos arms) do you give up? (Laughing) (his face is inches from leos)

Leo:(nervous) yes

Charlie:(confused) whats the matter with you?

Leo: (snaps at charlie) nothing, now please get off! (Angry)

Charlie: (hurt) ok (gets off leo)

Leo: lets get this over with

Charlie: Wait le- (someone knocks on the door) I'll get it

Leo: (glares at charlie)

Charlie:(opens the door to see ana)

Ana: Charlie hey! Did leo agree to come out clubbing tonight to go on his double date with us?

Leo: what do you mean double date?!

Charlie(laughs nervously) well you see

Carla:(walks up to ana) sorry i was parking the car.

Ana: it's fine. Ready to go on the double date

Carla: su- (sees leo) leo?!

Leo: you set me up with MY EX

Charlie: leo let me expla-

Leo; save it i cant even believe you. Im not going out with you clubbing. (Walks out)

Charlie: where are you going?!

Leo: like I'd tell you! (Walks away)

Part 2? or leave it like this?

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