its all my fault part 2

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monies~ peace and love xx

the next day charlie took leo to the doctor to just get him checked out. when they went the doctor said that leo was fine physically but he PSTD from everything that happened to him. the doctor suggested to try and not touch him to much because at the moment contact scared him. when leo and charlie went back to the hotel they saw victoria in the hotel lobby. when she saw leo she ran up to him crying and hugged him tightly. leo stiffened when she hugged him but relaxed eventually and hugged his mom back. "are you ok? i heard what happened, are you hurt?" victoria asked leo worriedly. "y-yeah i'm fine, just a little shaken up that's all. look mom i'm really tired so i'm just gonna go to mine and charlies hotel room and lay down." leo told his mom. "of course sweetheart, but let me know if you need anything ok." leos mom said.

"sure mom" leo went and kissed her on the cheek. "bye" he said and walked with charlie back to their room.


when they walked in their room leo immediately fell on the bed and fell asleep exhausted.

charlie walked over to leo who was already sound asleep, and he reached out his hand and softly ran his fingers through leos soft fluffy hair. when charlie did this leo smiled happily in his sleep.

it was then charlie knew that maybe he couldn't always be leos hero, but he was leos safe place and that was way better than being a hero.

the end


crappy ending i know
but hope you enjoyed it anyway
do you have any prompt ideas or requests for the next one shot?

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