Chapter 22.)

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Ahaha Sorry I'm not a doctor, forgive me if I get medical things wrong. I mean it's ok, After all writing fiction is what I do. 😂


• Ivy's POV •

Just as Caspian and I were hugging, I heard a carts screeching wheels outside the door, unlike the usual aggressive rushing footsteps. We both sat up when the room door opened slowly. A metal cart first popped in, then behind it a nurse in a white coat. She smiled as us before turning to close the door behind her. Caspian wiped his eyes of their crystal gloss. The lady walked over to us with small footsteps, rolling the cart out in front of her, and another nurse following behind her. "Hello," she smiled again as a new smell of food filled the room. I looked to on top of the hollow metal box, to see some sweet potatoes, and some chicken with a tiny bit of gravy. "I brought your food." The woman rolled the cart to the other side of his bed. "I've got you some sweet potatoes, and some chicken. I know it's kind of a heavy meal for someone out of surgery, but luckily your injury, and surgery didn't touch any parts of your stomach. You should be able to eat just fine. Just take it slow and alert me if anything doesn't feel right."

"Thank you." Caspian's smile immediately created a chain reaction of smiles all across the room. The lady who delivered the food left and the second nurse came over to speak with Caspian.

"Hi," she grabbed he rolling doctors chair and sat down next to him. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, I feel fine."

"I'm glad to hear it," she smiled back at him. "Now, I was just going to go over a few things with you. You should be able to leave the hospital in 3 days, we just want to keep an eye on you make sure you have no trouble eating, breathing, etc.. their shouldn't be, but we can never be sure when someone is shot. And then when we send you home we'll give you a list of some things you should try to avoid for at least week so you recover properly."

Caspian nodded, his lip slightly curving up more on the right then the left side of his face. "Yeah sure thing."

"Also, you do have some people who wanted to visit you—Your mother and father in law I believe. Their waiting out in the waiting room, should I send them in?"

My immediate reaction was to scream 'no', but instead my lips formed and 'yes' in dismay.

"Alright then, I'll send them in." She smiled getting up from the blue wrinkled circle she sat on, to walk over and out the door. I looked to Caspian quickly grabbing his forearm tightly.

"My parents?! What the hell are they doing here?!"

"Woah woah, Ivy calm down, calm down," he grabbed my hand as I was still holding his arm. "If we act calm, and unaffected by their presence they'll leave. Just act like you don't care that they're here. I'll do all the talking, don't worry."

"No— you stay quiet."


"Because knowing them they probably had something to do with you being shot."

"But ivy—" Caspian tried to reason when I heard their footsteps walking down the hall, getting closer and closer to our room. With each throbbing pound of my mothers high heels against the cold tile ground, I became more anxious then I ever was before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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