Chapter 17.)

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I picture the song playing during the last few paragraphs. I think the lyrics really speak for ivy, to Caspian. 😢


One Month later

• Ivy's POV •

Caspian and I have been doing great, and I haven't spoken to Thea sense the night of the party. Caspian said he wanted to make things more official between us, so he asked me on a date. He said we weren't going anywhere really, and it wasn't a super fancy date so I could even where my pajamas if I wanted to. I thought that was kind of odd, and wondered what the surprise date was going to be. Tonight was the night and I was upstairs getting ready in my room.

What should I wear? He said dress casual, nothing super fancy? A dress then? No. Maybe a cardigan and t-shirt? No those are to itchy. Some jean shorts, and a t-shirt or blouse? With my hair loosely curled, and some added bracelets and a necklace? Yes that's it! How about adding some makeup, just for tonight? Yeah that's a good idea. Caspian's never seen me where makeup before besides mascara. Ooh this'll be good!

I finally got dressed up. I had chosen an off the shoulder fringed shirt. It was white with light pink  flowers patterns on it, and clear buttons going down the middle. Then I parked it with some high waisted light blue shorts, with some of the string dangling off the ends. Then I wore some handmade bracelets that Caspian and I made together. They were made from string, I decided on the hot pink and light pink, braided one I had made. Caspian made some all black ones.

Then, I curled my hair loosely. Each curl was shiny sense I had just taken a shower, and made my blonde highlights pop. For the makeup, I applied thick mascara, a little bit of eyeliner, and chose and light pink shade for the eyeshadow. For the finishing touch I put on some light pink lipstick. Then, Wah lah!

I skipped over to my mirror like a little child. I hopped in front of it's clear reflection, looking from head to toe, soaking my finished work in.
I looked really pretty. I mean no offense to myself, I looked pretty without makeup, but this made me look 10 times better. The intercom next to my door began to speak, making my head whip in its direction with sudden excitement. Caspian was ready for me to come downstairs!

"Hey, Ivy it's Caspian. I'm ready for you downstairs."

I ran over to it quickly pressing the answer button. "I'm coming right down!"
Making my way out of my room, I practically sprinted to the stairs as I hurried down them. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I slipped on my tan Birkenstocks by the door, then walked  over around the corner to the dinning room and kitchen. I was surprised to not see any food set on the table, or Caspian. Where was he?

I looked around, and went to the back doors. I looked outside, as my faces reflected on the clear glass. I didn't see anything. Suddenly astronomus appeared behind me.

"Miss rose?"

"Oh hey, astronomus!" I smiled in relief. "Do you know where Caspian Is?"

"Oh," his expression changed to a smile as he leaned forward, pointing his finger out in front of him. "I most certainly do. Follow the path in the yard, you should find him out there somewhere by the old oak tree. The tallest one in the fields."

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