Chapter 15.)

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• Ivy's POV •

As I stood there, in front of them, I could feel my emotions toppling outside of my mind as I began unleashing my hatred upon Thea and Caspian. I couldn't hold back my sorrow, and I shed a tear.

All the tape that had been stuck to my heart to hold all the pieces of it together by Caspian, had ripped off once more, pulling on my chest like a bulled had viciously torn through it, emotionally ripping my heart to shreds as the pieces fell to the ground. My throat tightened, shorting my intake of air. A single tear rolled down my cheek. "No.." I whispered. "Not you Caspian, not you too!" I yelled to myself. I saw Caspian and Thea's lips slowly come apart as he pushed her away. He looked over to me, the frown on his face matching his eyes. I read his lips as they formed the name 'Ivy'. He ran over towards me, Thea running after him. I didn't know what to do but run away from the fear of this being true, of loosing him. I dashed dodging people left and right and I left out of the crowded room, into the wide apartment hallway. I walked down it, faster and faster. Thank god I have the car keys! I can't stand to be here any longer I'm leaving! I heard rushing thundering footsteps behind me. I knew it must've been Caspian, and I didn't wanted to see him right now, maybe not ever again. I sped up jogging, then going even faster as faster until suddenly a pair of hands grabbed my arms. I flared my arms wildly out shaking the pair of grippy hands of me, as I whipped around.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled right into Caspian's worried face. He hands flew back trying his best to give me so space.

"Ok ok," he said surprised, his face expression showing he didn't know a happy little wall flower like me could ever get this angry. "Ivy ivy-calm down—"

"NO!" I yelled.

"Please!! Ivy!" He yelled. Then suddenly the hall we went silent, filling with out heavy breathing. "Let me explain, that's all I ask."

I nodded, taking any chance for this to not be true. "Please tell me what I saw wasn't real."

"Ivy—I-i-it was.. But it's not what you think."

"Oh really?!" I asked flaring my hands in the air making quotation marks. "That's what they all say." I rolled my eyes.

"I promise—you know me-Ivy, I'm not like other guys, I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose— what you saw wasn't me-t-that was all Thea, I promise you I had nothing to do with that."

"Then tell me what happened Caspian."

"I was getting our drinks, then I saw Thea. She can o-over to me and started talking. I didn't care until she started getting all flirtatious me. I told her to leave and that I'm happier with you."

"And what about the kiss?"

"She just grabbed me. I pushed her away as soon as I could!"

"And I'm just supposed to what? Believe you? Look I've had enough of the forgiving thing, then getting hurt, forgiving them getting hurt. I can't make that same mistake with you."

"Ivy-Look— I-I can't tell you anything else-believe what you want to I can't change your mind. All I'm telling you is what you saw—I didn't inflict, Thea forced herself on me. I promise ivy. I promise."

I looked down at my foot tapping on the ground. My lips twisted and I wiped my eyes clean of tears. He did shove her away, I clearly saw that. Addie was acting weird, maybe she texted Thea and they hatched this little plan up. "I.." I sighed to think about it. Caspian has been better to me than anyone else I've ever met.. I can't not believe he's telling the truth. "I believe you Caspian." I admitted. I heard the door to the apartment close behind Caspian. His face full of relief became blurred as the words, 'thank god' came out of his mouth. My eyes shifted to the side of his head as I focused on a particular raven haired girl by the name of Thea slowly walking towards us, her high hells clicking with every step. 

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