73-I Want To Prove Myself

64 23 4


There are moments,
When I don't feel like attempting,
This is the truth,
That I don't feel guilty accepting.

I will never consider myself a looser,
When I know I'm not one amongst them,
I have much more to show,
I consider myself one of that undiscovered gem.

I haven't come this long,
To accept that I'm not worth it,
I'm here to prove myself,
Not just to barely eat and sit.

I'm not afraid to put efforts,
I just want to give my best,
I came here to prove myself,
Prove my potential in every test.

So I'll try,
I'll try harder this time,
This is my game,
And I'm ready to play it anytime.

In the mean time [ A Poetry Collection ] #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now