65- I Know You Are Mine

103 35 31


I know you are mine,
And you are mine forever,
I want you to stay,
So don't leave me ever.

I know I love you,
And I love you so much,
You are the best one I have,
I feel good every time you touch.

I know we are perfect,
And we look perfect together,
I have plans with you,
That I can't wait to take further.

I know your heart,
And I can feel your heartbeat,
I'll always be your lifeline,
I'll never cheat.

I know your feelings,
And I know you are mine,
Our love is true and our bond strong,
It can't be defined in a word or a line.

I know I promised,
And I like keeping my promises,
I will be always there with you,
And we'll restore our stolen kisses together.

In the mean time [ A Poetry Collection ] #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now