14- Dear Dad

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Dear dad,

While cherishing memories with you,
I always get a smile,
Seeing you holding my hand,
Capturing these moments are truly worthwhile.

Words are falling short,
You have done so much for us,
I appreciate your efforts,
For contributing all you had for us.

The struggle you have done,
The hard work to do,
You are an absolute genius,
Dad, I want to become like you.

When things were bothering you,
I never saw you crying,
While becoming our constant support,
You never left trying.

You are my inspiration,
Someone I look up to,
For what you have done and what you still do,
You are the best Dad, I love you.

You sacrificed your dreams,
For building our life better,
I owe you all I have,
You made me your debtor.

Always remember,
You are not alone,
We are a team,
To make you proud is my dream.

Doesn't matter how much I grow,
How successful I become,
You will still be my superhero,
For times to come.

You share your experience,
Your advice is worth hearing,
I promise to fulfil your expectations,
Without fearing.

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