60 - Death

139 47 44


What all have started,
Will come to an end one day,
The reason could be any,
But the end is certain they say.

There is no guarantee,
No certainty about the years,
Death is so unpredictable,
Dying happily looks better with dying with tears.

Live life happily,
Die with no regret,
We all are imperfect,
We need to accept.

There is so much burden,
So much stress,
Live life to the fullest,
Until it becomes a complete mess.

Live life with no guilt,
With no expectation,
Escape from the world,
After removing every hesitation.

We all are going to die,
Either today or tomorrow,
Dying happily seems to be better,
Than dying with sorrow.

We are alive at this moment,
Can't say about the next,
Anything could happen,
As life is not permanent.

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