I'm still hurting

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Little do you know

How I'm breaking while you fall asleep

Little do you know

I'm still haunted by the memories

Little do you know

I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

- Little Do You Know, Alex and Sierra


Jungkook sighed looking at those reports that he had to finish. He rubbed his forehead slowly.

"I should get coffee." Jungkook said to himself. He tidies up his things and put his works in his bag to bring it home. He decided to finish his works at home. It's already dark outside and the working hour already ended.

He dragged his foot lazily out of his room and locked it. Jungkook walked to the parking lot and saying goodbye to the security guard. There's still a lot of people in the hospital but he was not in the night shift that day so he can go home.

Jungkook's phone ringing.

"Yes, mom. I just about to go home."

"You're not working in the night shift?"

"Not today. Why?"

"Nothing. Drive safely and make your time to come home, okay? Omma miss you."

"Alright, mom. Since when you're not busy huh. I miss you too, mom."

"Your head didn't hurt?"

"No. Everything is fine. Don't worry. Namjoon hyung will take care of me." Jungkook smiled.

"Alright, son. See you when I see you."

"Nae, omma." Jungkook curved a small smile. He thinks his mom was cute. He opened his back seat and put his things there. Jungkook started the engine and drive home.


"Yah! Lee Y/N." Jung Garin said. Jung Garin was Y/N's colleague. They both were working together as a lecturer in a university. They teach biology for year 1 and 2 students.

"What?" Y/N asked her annoyed. She had been marking her student's exam paper.

"It's already late. Let's go home." Garin said and take a seat in front of her colleague. She sighed looking at those exam papers.

"I want to finish this first." Y/N said while her eyes were still reading her student's answer.

"You can finish it tomorrow. Let's go home. I'm so stressed right now looking at my student's answer. That's not how I thought them yet they still did the same mistake." Garin said frustrated.

Y/N laughed looking at her friend. "Fine, let's grab something before going home."

"That's sounds great. Let's go!" Garin smile. Y/N grabbed her things and locked her room before walking out with Garin to the parking lot. The way to the parking lot was dark with a dim light came from the lamp posts.

Y/N feels chill around her. She grabbed Garin's hand tightly and walking with her. "You still afraid of the dark?" Garin asked. Y/N nodded.

"It's okay. You want to tell me anything?" Garin asked.

"I don't want to remember that incident again." Y/N said slowly.

"It's okay. I don't want to force you to tell me but if you want help. I'm here, okay?" Garin smiled.

They both reached the parking lot. Both of the girls entered their own cars and drive to a place to eat something.


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