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"I'm going out. You better not run this time if you don't want to see the worst me. I can do anything, baby. I don't mind to kill." with that, he walked out. I wipe my tears.

Jimin, please find me...

Jimin's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I don't know how many times I cursed today. Since Y/N was missing, the kidnapper hadn't contacted me but he just let Y/N's phone turn on. I kept calling her phone but that bastard didn't pick it up. I bet he enjoying his life now that there're people paid attention to him. What I'm going to tell Y/N's parents about this? 

Oh, shit. I fucked up.

Fyuhh, Jimin...Let's think about some solutions...

I gathered up all my courage to meet Y/N's parents. I bet they were worried sick about their girl whereabout.

I knocked on the door. 

"J-Jimin!" Mrs. Lee showed up. Her eyes were all red and puffy. She let me in. We walked side by side to the living room.

"Y/N didn't come home last night." She said slowly with her low tone, enough for me to hear. I felt really guilty about this.

"I-I know."

Mrs. and Mr. Lee looked at me surprised. "H-how did you know? Did she be with y-you?" 

I shooked my head. "I-I'm sorry but I didn't know either where she is."

They all looked down. "Where will we find her. Do you have any idea?" Mr. Lee sighed.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Lee. I wanted to tell you something." They looked at me back. Their eyes were full of hopes and that's killed me inside with guilty. I feel wronged because I didn't get to protect my own friend. I failed to be by her side. I was careless. 

"Y/N was kidnapped last night."


"I know it's sounded crazy right now but believe me. I talked to Y/N last night and she was waiting for me at the park. She said that I text her to meet me there but I didn't. It turns out that my phone was hacked and...and the last thing I heard is, she's screaming and the call ended. I went to the park last night and found nothing but this." I showed them what I founded. It was Y/N's bracelet. 

"B-but why??? Why is our daughter being kidnapped? What did she do?" Mrs. Lee said and I told them the whole story about Y/N's being followed every day, the letters and red roses she got and others. 

"I-I.." Mr. Lee lost for words.

"I failed to protect my own daughter." He said weakly.

"N-no. It's not your fault uncle. It's no one fault. The kidnapper is the one who is wrong in these cases."

"So, what did we do know?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"We make a police report." Mr. Lee said.

"But I don't want to depend fully on the police either. I'll hire a private investigator." I said. Both of them look at me.

"You know one?" They asked.

I nodded. "I heard that he solved many difficult cases and he's a professional. His name is Kim Taehyung."

"Just do anything. We will pay whatever it is just to have our daughter back."

"I'll do anything...anything to make Y/N back with us. I promise." I said to both of them.









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